% of google adsense approximately $6B/year is adsense for content vs adsense for search?

" The average amount earned per click via Adsense for Search is much lower than the average for Adsense for Content. The per-click payment for ads shown as part of AdSense for Search are typically quite a bit lower than AdSense for Content.In fact, I believe it's the case that even if the advertiser were paying the same per-click fee to Google for top placement for a given keyword that the payout to someone hosting those ads are lower. Read this blog for a good comparison of AFS vs AFC: http://www.dannygabriner.com/2008/08/22/adsense-for-search-vs-adsense-for-content.

Would help if you can rephrase your Q. If you are asking the % of revenue for Google Inc. From AFS vs AFC - that is approx 75% AFS.

Of course % of good adsense for content would be higher than good adsense for search as for any search has to be clicked twic for search which would result in earnings.

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