0bama has golfed 8 times more than Bush did in 8 years...doesn't that show 0bama is better than Bush!?

While I basically reject your premise, and probably strongly disagree with your politics, I want to attempt to take your question seriously. As far as your actual question goes, I don't know any "leftists still whining." there are issues I have heard democratic politicians publicly speak on, like the travesty of an economy bush left. You don't have to agree with me on that.

But can you not agree that ANY single given president might do something that might have negative consequences, that extend beyond their presidency? If you can't agree on that, im afraid you have to stop listening to hannity. Because hannity to this day continues to blame problems on bill clinton.

Not to mention the republicans and conservatives that blamed him for 911, including hannity. While I absolutely scoff at that, again, I think we can establish that any single given president is able to have negative consequences that extend beyond their presidency. That might be why you would hear someone "blaming" bush.

Obama has changed a lot of things, and he's done so immediately, such as immediately banning torture. Job outsourcing? Absolutely a legitimate complaint.

But its a complaint I never blamed bush for.

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