15 and meet a guy online, about to meet him then my mom found out. now Im scared to be around her. help?

Well I've been in that situation....First thing is you need to consider his age, if he is over 18 she most likely will freak out a little more, but if he is your age then it shouldn't be as big of a deal. I'll tell you what happened with me and how things were handled and hopefully it helps. I was 14...I started talking an older guy online...he was 21 at the time.

I would text and IM with him and things were said that I shouldn't of even known about yet. My mother ended up grounding me at one point and took my cellphone, I forgot to delete the texts and she read them all. At first she freaked out, I thought she was going to kick me to the curb and go hunt this guy down.

I let her just scream and cry and get her anger out until she was calm enough for me to talk (took a couple days). I told her to listen to what I had to say, since I listened to her. I told her about the guy, and told her if she wanted to speak with him, get to know a little about him, she was more then welcome to.(I had already asked his OK on this and he was fine with it.) She agreed, and was on the phone with him for 5 hours...when they hung up she apologized to me, gave me my phone back, ungrounded me and flew him to me the next month.

M and I were together for 5 years, and my mom was by my side the whole time, while he was in Iraq and everything, her and him would always chit chat on the phones, she called him her son at one point. I eventually had to break up with him because the trauma he suffered after the war was unbearable and quite frightening and she was even slightly mad at me for leaving him, even though he passed away since then, he is still considered part of the family, the family still loves him and misses him everyday. Long story short...be honest with her, speak to him and see if it's okay if she talks to him it may calm her down, be open, listen to what she has to say whether you want to hear it or not, and then calmly speak to her, let her know how you feel, and that you appreciate her concerns and feelings.

Be a grown up...be mature...it will get you further. Best of luck! @tealmyster.

If not, make sure you delete them immediately. The best way to keep her from finding out what was said between the two of you is to get rid of any evidence of the conversation. Tell her you were talking about music or movies, but for your own sake DO NOT tell her you were talking about anything sexual.

She's already upset, and that would just make it so much worse. Make sure you emphasize to your mom that this guy is just a friend, and that there's nothing romantic going on between you. If for some reason she does know about what kind of conversation you had with him, just make it sound like it's no big deal.

Tell her you were messing around online and was just talking to the guy. Tell her you were just playing around and that you had no intentions of actually hooking up with him. Try your best to convince her that you didn't intend to have sex with this guy, and I think if you can get through to her, this whole thing will die down in a few days.

And, for future reference, don't put anything up online that you wouldn't want other people to see. Trust me, if they're determined enough, they'll be able to see it. Everything on the internet leaves a paper trail, so keep that in mind when you're putting information out there.

I suggest not thinking about sex until you are out of the house or at least 18. Thinking sometimes leads to doing, and doing with someone at your age, could end some one in jail. I'm sure you'd really like that on your conscience.

That's how you stop freaking out. Be mature, and think about consequences. No, not just the consequences of having sex, about your mom hating it enough to disown you, or throw you out on the curb, because you're old enough to have sex.

Those kind of consequences. What if you decide you don't want to have sex when you find him, and he rapes you? Regardless of the punishment it will not be enough.

What if he kidnaps you? You've seen the news articles right? What if he has STDS, AIDS, gives you gonnerea?

What then?

Best answer. Your too young to be dateing! Your 15!

Enjoy life! Watch cartoons! Focus on school, trust a 25yr old, trust your parents!

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