250 = Counterfeiting/Forgery and/or 26A = Fraud False Pretenses/Swindle/ Confidence Game?

The theft of the checks should be reported by the most local agency having jurisdiction over the location of the offense. Each check that is forged and passed should be reported by the most local agency having jurisdiction over the location of those offenses. For example, checks were stolen as a result of a purse-snatching that occurred in Nashville, Tennessee.

The Nashville Police Department should report the Larceny/Theft, Purse-Snatching, (23B). The checks were forged and passed later in Knoxville, Tennessee. The Knoxville Police Department should report an incident of Forgery (250) and Fraud (26A) for each check passed in a different location (separation of time and place) in Knoxville.

If the checks had been forged and passed in Nashville, the Nashville Police Department should report an incident of Forgery (250) and Fraud (26A) for each check passed in a different location in Nashville (again using separation of time and place as criterion for an incident).

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