2nd PDO exec get MySQL Syntax error or access violation: 1064?

The PDO/MySQL driver has some wacky bugs that haven't been fixed in over 2 years, and some of these result in Error #1064. (Search bugs.php. Net for more disgusting details.) It seems that you don't have any errors in your SQL, so make sure you have insert privileges to both tables, and try running the query in several different ways Using query() instead of exec() Using prepared statements with bound parameters Try putting quotes around 50.

The PDO/MySQL driver has some wacky bugs that haven't been fixed in over 2 years, and some of these result in Error #1064. (Search bugs.php. Net for more disgusting details.) It seems that you don't have any errors in your SQL, so make sure you have insert privileges to both tables, and try running the query in several different ways.

Using query() instead of exec() Using prepared statements with bound parameters Try putting quotes around 50.

The code and error below I try to solve in three days. Could anyone help me? But this statement can execute successfully using MySQL Query Browser.

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