3/21/2009,Poll:Sarah Palin defends special needs children against Obama's insults, that's ethical?

If I remember correctly it was something like 10 different accusations that were all found to be frivolous. What the liberals fail to realize (or more likely do realize) is she had to fund her defense herself, it was not paid for by the State. And unlike obama with his deep pockets and rich criminal contacts and associates, 50 to 100 grand a pop to defend yourself from bs law suits is a lot of money.

Other aspects were, it made it nearly impossible for her to Govern, I understand it is difficult for liberals to admit that she resigned for the best interest of Alaska and its people as well as her family, but what do you expect form a group of people that put an arrogant egomaniac in office that has spent his entire life caring about one person and one goal. And you are correct, if she had remained in office there were many that would have continued to file garbage suits to try and discredit her and make it impossible for her to do her job. Don't you wish obama had the integrity and ethics to resign in the best interest of the Country?

She already had a half million dollars in attorney fees fighting the bogus charges against her. Evidently, it was bankrupting her. She did end up paying a large sum in travel fees for her family but other than that, none of the charges stuck.

I think Palin thought that remaining in office was only going to cause more financial problems for both her and the state of Alaska.

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