3 different languages on crayons? Come on!?

Most aren't, but some are. Those who are suffer from intolerance, superiority complexes, inferiority complexes (makes them feel better to put others down), or ignorance. Many people on this site are under the false impression that there is only one correct form of English, ignoring that there are prescriptive grammars (formal standards, like those of the USA, UK, Australia, and other places) and descriptive grammar (how specific populations actually speak), and levels of speech (formal, casual, slang, etc).

I have definitely witnessed people mistreated on this site, including myself. I have studied linguistics and English grammar, taught French, studied 3 other foreign languages. Consequently, I know English grammar very well (by direct study and comparison to 4 other languages).

I was told I had demonstrated no expertise in grammar, in very rude ways. I had provided sources and was directly attacked. Bottom line: ignorance.

Such judgmental people are wrong, and we should not let ourselves be affected by them.

I notice you do not give us a link to an instance in which you feel you have been unfairly treated. Perhaps you could use this as an example: "why are people in this section so judgemental?" It's JUDGMENTAL, judgEmental.

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