60th Anniversary of "The Day the Earth Stood Still".......my first experience of politics. Care to remember with me?

60th Anniversary of "The Day the Earth Stood Still".......my first experience of politics. Care to remember with me? You add the details....... Asked by maggo 11 months ago Similar questions: 60th Anniversary Day Earth Stood experience politics Care remember Science > Social Science.

Similar questions: 60th Anniversary Day Earth Stood experience politics Care remember.

Crawl under your desk - like that would do any good! Ahhh, a Cold War memory. Strictly politics - the 1960 Presidential election - Kennedy vs. Nixon (whom we might assume was a crook even then - oops, he told us he wasn't and he was honest, right?

). I was for JFK and my parents were staunch Republicans. That made for an interesting time.

Yeah, thanks, OH...I wasn't even in school (b. 1949) when that film came out in '51, but I remember Duck and Cover, or Kiss Your A** Goodbye! Maggo 11 months ago .

" "who was the young boy actor in the original movie The Day The Earth Stood Still" ""Anyone know how much it costs to obtain the rights to make a re-make a film, such as "The Day the Earth Stood Still"?"" "who was the young boy actor in the original movie The Day The Earth Stood Still.

Classic Sci Fi fans--what do you think about the remake of THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL.

Who here has watched the new version of "The Day The Earth Stood Still", and enjoyed it, understanding the underlying.

In the movie " The Day The Earth Stood Still.

Who was the young boy actor in the original movie The Day The Earth Stood Still.

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