70% of Arizona citizens agree with the new immigration law will Obama ignore their plight?

Too bad your question is asked in a way to elicits a single yes or no answer. I'll answer yes. It is the job of the federal government and the President to uphold the legality of federal law and statues.

That's what the President gets paid to do. He is simply doing his job. Most of you fail to see this, blinded by your ignorance and hate.

You will note, if you took the time to read, there are NOT any claims of civil violations, nor constitution infringements, being accused by the government, USA. Simply a claim of priority. That makes the federal case strong.

If you folks really knew and understood the form of government you live in, you'd be happy the challenge is being made. After all, that's what these people are paid to do. Protect YOUR rights and freedoms as guarantied by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This case is a necessity. It is just what America needs to get action on immigration. Arizona won't win.

However, a loss is sometimes a victory. Perhaps they can rewrite the law to be in compliant with the priority rules. It is truly sad to see American react they way most of you have.

Sadly some of you vote. You carry your hate and ignorance to the polling booth. Sad state for democracy.

The lies that the Obama administration have started about this are reprehensible! They'll have you believe that the police can stop you and ask for your papers if they suspect your illegal. This is a blatant lie.

The law stipulates that the question of legality can only arise during the investigation of another infraction. This law will effect EVERYONE who has entered the US illegally or remained after their visa has expired. It just so happens that Mexican are the predominant actor in this opera.

If the US starts to enforce the laws, the legal Mexican vote is going to swing toward any candidate that supports the illegals. The Lib/Dem's have historically given in to influences and money from outside the US, and they'll sail us up the river if they think there's a buck in it for them.

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