96 Saturn sc1 low coolant light but coolant level not low?

After doing some reading I realized this is somewhat of a common problem. The low coolant level and temp light flashing at the same time. Well my car started to do this so I started reading on possible ways to fix it.

I removed the coolant tank, filled it up with water and soap and shook it for a good long time. Then I shot the water hose in it. I was amazed at all the hard gunk that came out.

Literally big chunks. So I put that back on, and also installed a new ECTS. Filled it up with coolant and so far that annoying light hasn't come back on.

Hope it stays off. So if any of you guys havent done this yet its highly recommended, even if the flashing hasn't started yet.

You'll need to find some wiring for the ECU - you'll want the pin that has the coolant temp and buffer it off so you can get that as an input. Calculating temperature - you'll need to find the temp sensor's scaling to find it's temperature. Air con pressure switch - since the fan is belt driven, there probably isn't an input for the AC high pressure to run the fan for condenser.

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