A friend of my oldest daughter saw my youngest daughter at the mall the other day and he asked my oldest daughter?

Mini skirt and apparently inappropriate for a 10 year old girl. She also received a movie called "House Bunny" for Christmas.My question is how do I de-program her when I finally have her here to stay? She is coming today for a week.

(For those who do not know, I am battling for custody with my felonious, misogynist ex). I am a feminist and the values she is exposed to are antithetical to my beliefs. Asked by SWFpdx 35 months ago Similar questions: friend oldest daughter youngest mall day asked Family > Parenting.

Similar questions: friend oldest daughter youngest mall day asked.

Oh Oh.......this has to be handled with kid gloves. Apparently her father permits this( probably a case of just not caring what she wears) If you push an opposite view on her, it will alienate her right now. If you know a peer who you know would agree that it is not "cool" ( and good luck with that) you could invite them over and three of you go out togther... and if the heavens so ordain, the peer would be able toinfluence her.Is her older sister able to do so.

Maybe a shopping trip where she could get some new clothes.. then perhaps you could approach the subject by praising her in a less "hoochy" outfit. You can win her over with praise and perhaps interesting her in fashion.. have a seventeen magazine in the house and go through it with her.. pointing out some REALLY cool outfits. Little by little and by example you will be able to pass more of your ideals to her...but if you come on too hard or preachy, it will have the opposite effect.

You can do it...won't be easy Mom..and as she matures you will able to share your philosophy with her I'm sure. Good luck!.

The hardest thing to do......... is to keep your children at their age and at the same time allow them to be part of their little community of girls. They do not have too many good role models in society today (Britney Spears? ) so you have to set the rules and stand by them.It is easier just to go along but ultimately she would suffer.

My children are in their 30's now but when they were around 8 years old and up I scrutinized their friendships being strict on my expectations. You teach them how to chose their friends and that is a lesson that will stay with them through life.In grammar school, Halloween parade, GASP! The girls looked like little tramps.

Why would parents agree to have their kids dress up in a fashion with sexual innuendos at the age of 9? Mine was a Strawberry Shortcake! It has been suggested that some parents can't wait for the kids to grow up!

When your daughter comes finally to be with you (I'm rooting for you) you can help her select the new friends (that you approve). I imagine she will be going to a new school. Go and talk to the teacher before your daughter gets there and maybe the teacher can pair her off with some kids that would be of beneficial influence.

Be open with your daughter about the images that one projects the way they dress, the way they behave and even by the company they keep. Girl to girl talk! You don't want to be a "stick in the mud" and no fun but you can help her make choices.

I remember my childhood. I was born in 1943 so it was a different life. I couldn't wait to have high heels.

I was the tallest of the when you are 13 years old a little heel will be OK. Lipstick? Oh please Mom?

A gloss at 14 and a little makeup at 17. Mom watched me like a hawk so when I got out of the house I did not give the wrong impression. With my daughter I had not only to make sure she looked her age but because she was a little chubby some type of clothing just did not look good on her.

I could not come out and say it without hurting her feelings so I directed to things that I thought looked better on her. You will be so happy having her and I'm sure you will be able to undo any wrong influence you find out she has been subjected to. Best of luck!.

Beliefs I'm sure that your beliefs are important to you. The question is...are they important to your daughter? She may be 10 appearing to be going on 25 but she is really 10 with all the peer pressure and style that goes with her burgeoning efforts to to find herself and belong to her school peer group; more importantly, she is a person an individual person.. Most of our society, sanctimonious though it is renowned to be, is healthy enough to allow little girls to safely be little girls.

Having said that, we do need to watch from afar to make sure that 2% of humans that shouldn’t be alive don’t threaten her right to be…a little girl. Oh! Never call a 10 year old a little girl, to her face, that’s between us.

She needs to have the conversation about deciding what and who to follow and what not to follow but this should be in general terms with her not being the central character, motherly advice, so to speak, at a time when you’re both getting along. Things such as do you jump off a three story building because your “friends” dare you, this kind of thing. She'll be fine so learn to trust her, kids don't always tell us what they see and understand.Do not mix her in with your feelings toward your ex, I know this sounds obvious but take care not to do it unconsciously.

Hmmm. So, you want to indoctrinate your daughter, eh? Propaganda is useful, sometimes.

But what will work, guaranteed? Nothing, really. Your daughter is a human being, and as such, more or less autonomous.

She makes her decisions based on what she thinks will make her happy. AND, what will make her happy includes not having arguments with those who "raise" her the rest of the year, where she spends most of her time. Maybe if you introduced her to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit would then encourage her in whatever changes were needed even while you weren't present..

1 How terribly frustrating for you. As a mother myself, I can only imagine how you must feel. At age 10 she should not be sexualized at all.

She's just a little girl! I don't know how you deprogram her. My best bet is one day at a time with a lot of patience.

How terribly frustrating for you. As a mother myself, I can only imagine how you must feel. At age 10 she should not be sexualized at all.

She's just a little girl! I don't know how you deprogram her. My best bet is one day at a time with a lot of patience.

" "My daughter asked her boy friend (both are 30+) to move in with her. She asked me" "My teen daughter was with her friend at the mall on the weekend. " "who turns out 2 be the most messed up: oldest, middle, or youngest child?

Y?" "May be already asked. But I haven't seen it. If you could BE anything for one day, what would you be?" "My oldest son is married and has a two year old daughter.

What do you think the age range is here in askville, youngest to oldest.

The measure of a civilization is how it treats its youngest and oldest citizens.

My daughter asked her boy friend (both are 30+) to move in with her. She asked me.

My teen daughter was with her friend at the mall on the weekend.

May be already asked. But I haven't seen it. If you could BE anything for one day, what would you be?

My oldest son is married and has a two year old daughter.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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