How do I access the ED Keyboard Map, Frequently Used Options, Flags, Registers, Usage & Examples, Quick Reference Guide, and CAS Quick Reference panels?

The ED Keyboard Map, Frequently Used Options, Flags, Registers, Usage & Examples, Quick Reference Guide, and CAS Quick Reference panels are accessed by swiping inside the orange frame on the back view of the calculator (see G3 for how to access the back view). The views are organized as follows, where " G9. Scrolling the Flags, Registers, Usage & Examples, Quick Reference Guide, and CAS Quick Reference tables to find the item of interest can be cumbersome.

Is there a more efficient way to navigate the tables? Yes. Tapping the right edge of these tables will jump to the proportionate location in the table (e.g. Tapping the middle of the right edge will jump to the middle, tapping the bottom of the right edge will jump to the bottom, etc.), similar to the way that tapping a letter in the built-in address book works.

Furthermore, tapping the title area of these tables will jump back to the top of the table, similar to the way that tapping the status bar in Safari jumps back to the top ... more.

G9. Scrolling the Flags, Registers, Usage & Examples, Quick Reference Guide, and CAS Quick Reference tables to find the item of interest can be cumbersome. Is there a more efficient way to navigate the tables?

• G10. I would like to share my calculations and/or programs with other i41CX+ users. How can I do that?

• G11. I would like to back up my programs and data. How can I do that?

• G12. I accidentally deleted the I41CX-MATH module. How can I recover it?

• G13. Does i41CX+ support the iTunes File Sharing feature? • G14.

The display color control sliders are disabled, the display colors changed, and the LCD font changed to "Bauhaus Smooth" when I selected an LED skin. Is this a bug? More.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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