American bacon, Canadian bacon, or Kevin Bacon?

If you want to have a good idea as to what bacon tastes like, Aaron's beef fry is pretty close to the real thing. They use the same cut except from a cow and it's seasoned and smoke the same way as the real thing. Personally, I love it in a club sandwich: turkey, beef fry, lettuce, tomato, and mayo on toasted white bread.

BLT's are also yum. Edit: It was Rubashkin but with all that happened, they were bought out by a different company. Their beef-fry is very very good.

I actually cook it in the microwave, it's much cleaner than in a frying pan. I put several layers of paper towel on a plate, some strips of the fry, another couple layers of towel, and so on. You cook it until the meat is cooked thru and most of the fat is gone from the strips.

American bacon is better known as strip bacon, as opposed to Canadian bacon which is as flat but in a thin round serving. (something the size and consistency of a small crepe) It can be cooked either in a frying pan or baked in the oven (which is better if you like it really crispy) and depending on how long you cook it, it can be the texture of a piece of sandwich meat or really crispy like a potato chip. Standard bacon is usually very salty, with a distinct pork flavor, not beef and definitely not chicken.

If you haven't had any form of pork than it will be hard to imagine the flavor. It is definitely a meaty flavor, just unique to pork the way beef is unique in its flavor. Bacon can also take on a maple flavor or apple flavor depending on the flavors it is processed with.

It has a high fat content which will cause it to leave your mouth feeling rather 'greasy' when you eat it, that's why I would rather bake it in the oven so I can get it crispy and be able to dab off more of the grease. Although it seems to be a well-liked food item, I really would never eat it as a candy or ice cream flavor or any other odd way, but it is really good wrapped around something like a piece of steak or around scallops as it gives the food it is with a unique smoky flavor that can't be achieved using anything else.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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