An ice cube at 0C was dropped into 35.9 grams of water in a cup at 45.0C At the instant the ice cube melted the temperature in the cup was 19.5C How much energy did the ice cube gain?

It gained no energy. It melted. Therefore is no longer an ice cube, & something that doesn't exist has no engery.

If so, a clear ice maker could be the finishing touch in your home. This article will outline the types of clear iceā€¦ makers, their standard sizes, installation considerations, benefits, and drawbacks. Sometimes known as bar ice, the name says it all.

This ice is crystal clear because it's particulate free. Particulates are comprised of minerals and other materials that are perfectly safe to drink, but they cloud ice. This cloudy ice, or regular ice, is found in every mainstream refrigerator equipped with an ice maker.

Removing the particulates is accomplished during the freezing process. Water free from particulates freezes at exactly 32-degrees while ice containing particulates freezes below 32-degrees. Clear ice makers maintain an exact temperature of 32-degrees within the freezing chamber and move water over molds.

As the water hits the molds, a thin layer of water freezes pushing the particulates away from the ice. As each layer freezes, the particulates are forced out leaving a clear cube. Essentially each cube freezes from the inside out while cloudy ice freezes from the outside in trapping particulates inside a cube.

Designed for undercounter use, clear ice makers are overwhelmingly 15-inches wide and approximately 24-inches deep. Some are rated for outdoor use. Finishes include stainless steel, black, and custom wood panel.

Every interior includes the freezing chamber and a storage area for the ice. Models open to left or the right, known as hinging, but beware as some units must be ordered specifically hinged and can't be reversed. Clear ice makers continually make fresh ice as older ice a the bottom of the storage bin melts.

The resulting water must be drained from the appliance. For this reason, two types of clear ice makers exist: units that connect directly to a drain or units that contain a pump sending the water to a drain further away. Knowing which unit is right for your situation is based on the existing plumbing in your home.

Every unit comes with an anti-tip brackets and securing screws.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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