Android wait for animation to finish before activity ends?

I am starting the animation from my main activity. I am using custom class for animation and animation listener. I modified the example from inter-fuser.Com/2009/08/android-animations-3d-flip.

Html for animation. The animation is of an image. The user clicks a button and if the "answer" is wrong, then a card flips to show that his result is wrong and then I want to finish the activity.

However, my activity finishes before the animation is completed. Also, when the user clicks on the right button, there is the same animation with the card showing the correct result. – SingleMalt Jan 13 at 14:37 You're saying that you're using an animation listener.

Are you using the AnimationListener's onAnimationEnd() callback? I need some example code to see exactly what you're doing.It's hard to just guess =/ – Nick Jan 13 at 19:53 thanks for your response and all your help. I have updated my question and added in the code.

Let me know if you need anything else. – SingleMalt Jan 18 at 2:36.

If it's the first the best way is to create a callback method and just fire that when the animation is done.

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