Android: Why does my view fill the entire screen and not display the buttons at bottom?

Instead of putting android:layout_below in your LinearLayout. Try removing that and put android:layout_above="@+id/myLinearLayout inside your ImageZoomView. Of course giving your LinearLayout the same id.

Instead of putting android:layout_below in your LinearLayout. Try removing that and put android:layout_above="@+id/myLinearLayout" inside your ImageZoomView. Of course giving your LinearLayout the same id.

Yay! That worked, but my next question is why? – Jeff Vig Mar 14 at 21:52 I wish I could tell you why, but the only thing I know is that I've been having the same problems myself.

And the only thing fixing it is building the layout from the bottom up, having elements stack on top of each other instead of top down with layouts below each other. – cant0na Mar 14 at 21:59 The items are rendered in the order on the xml file so other things are covering them up. You can always add an item id to a resources xml file in advance instead of using +id if you run into needing to reference an id earlier but need the view later down in the layout.

– schwiz Mar 14 at 22:03 Your ImageZoomView was probably covering up the LinearLayout. You can tell the layout system to avoid this problem by forcing it to constrain the height of the ImageZoomView using layout_above. Another useful thing you can do is specify something as fill_parent in height, but specified as below one layout and above another - that will cause it to fill the remaining space.

– jjb Mar 14 at 22:32.

RelativeLayout can be tricky to work with. I try to stick with FrameLayout and LinearLayout. Here is a sketch of the layout I would use in your case: ... buttons ... Heights and widths are fill_parent when not mentioned.

The layout_weight attribute on the ImageZoomView will cause it to expand as far as it can without squishing your bottom buttons.

This solution also worked. I was so close before. I put the layout_weight on the button's linear layout instead of on the Zoomview.

When I put it on both or just the zoomview, it works. – Jeff Vig Mar 14 at 22:32 I find LinearLayouts to be less complicated. Might just be me though.

– Matthew Willis Mar 14 at 22:42.

I am sorry I can't seem to format the code correctly. Isn't the android:layout_below="@+id/zoomview" clause what the linear layout is relative to? – Jeff Vig Mar 14 at 21:42 Ah sorry missed a bit of it.

The relative positioning looks fine. You should set image button's width to 0dip since you're using the weight parameter (since you want it to stretch horizontally) – Kurru Mar 14 at 21:43.

That didn't change anything. Don't I want the relative layout to occupy the entire parent? It is the zoomview that I don't want to take up the entire parent.

– Jeff Vig Mar 14 at 21:47.

My view fills the entire screen and not display the buttons at bottom android because (without quotes):.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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