Well, I think Santa Monica is the place for you if you like this kind of shopping. I have found a number of vintage and designer stores and it seems like the city is chalk full of them! The first thing I found was BBC Vintage Clothing.
This is right on Santa Monica Boulevard. There are some reviews on this place, and people seem to think that it's a really great store. One person said that the displays were so good that she couldn't believe they were used clothes!
The prices are also really reasonable. This would be a fantastic place to shop in my opinion, because of its convenient location, quality merchandise, and low prices. 3020 Consignment Designer Resale is another great place that can be found in Santa Monica. This place specializes in women's high-end and mid-end designer clothes and accessories.
Apparently they offer designer clothes for cheap, and the owner, who used to work with celebrities, is always friendly and will guide you to a good deal.
I'd suggest spending some time on Main Street. It can get busy, but it gets busy for a reason :). Hope this helps!
Buy-sell-trade clothing store Buffalo Exchange will open its first Santa Monica store on April 30, 2011. The Santa Monica shop is Buffalo Exchange’s third in Los Angeles and will be located near other independent businesses, local restaurants and the Edgemar Center for the Arts. Buffalo Exchange is unique because clothing and accessories are bought, sold and traded locally with store customers.
Used clothes can be traded for any item in the store, including jewelry and brand new clothing. The ever-changing inventory includes designer wear, basics, vintage, jeans and one-of-a-kind items. Including the Santa Monica location and new shops in Tucson and Charlotte, the family-owned resale clothing business now has 43 stores and 2 franchises in 15 states, with $64.4 million a year in revenue.
Based in Tucson, Arizona, Buffalo Exchange is an independent and privately held company and the founders manage the day-to-day business. Buffalo Exchange is a sustainable business that helps protect the environment by reusing and recycling clothing. Because we deal in local resale, emissions from production or distribution are eliminated.
The store donates to local charities in the community through its Tokens for Bags(r) program, which has generated nearly $380,000 for hundreds of nonprofit organizations since 1994, saving 7.6 million bags. Shoppers are encouraged to accept a token instead of a bag for purchases, and Buffalo Exchange donates five cents to a charity of the customer’s choice. 2449 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405 (off Ocean Park Boulevard in the Edgemar)310-314-7300Monday-Saturday 11 am-7 pmSunday 12 pm-6pmStreet and garage parking availablewww.buffaloexchange.com.
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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.