Anyone out there suffering from "tattoo remorse"?

The dermatologists I know are making a fortune removing them. Asked by edfoug 51 months ago Similar questions: suffering tattoo remorse Arts > Bodyart.

I have a friend who is... A person I kkno is an ex-navy mustang. He never wears a shortsleeve shirt because he's embarrassed about his tattoos--up and down both arms. He got them when he was a kid, and he'd now over 60--when he was advised to try for officer, he started to feel negatively about them, as they were far more popular with enlisted personnel than for officers.

Personally, I would never want them, because what might look cool and fashionable at one age is certain not to be so--or look so--later. I keep thinking about the inevitable physical changes that are going to occur, and thinking about what area might hold firm enough--no sagging, no wrinkling--for that tattoo to look right for life. And actually, the only skin-art I really like are the lovely temporary henna patterns that women draw in East Indian cultures--and I'd just as soon see them on fabric!.

Never (well, not yet anyway) I got my tattoo for my 31st birthday, so I’ve had my little friend for 8 and a half years, and I wouldn’t even think of having him removed. I thought long and hard before I had him put on my ankle, I wasn’t going through the process (and cost) of having him applied into my skin, only to have him removed later on. He’s on my ankle because when I had him put on me I was office manager for a physical therapy office, and I wore slacks, so he was discrete if need be.

Many of our patients were of the older generation, and I didn’t want to offend anyone. I wasn’t even going to tell any patients that I had it, and then first day I came into work after I had him done, I’m talking to a patient on the phone, and the next thing I know one of my bosses has grabbed my leg, swung it up onto the reception desk, pulled my slacks leg up, and shows her patient, coz they wouldn’t believe I had it done when she told ’em! I’m turning 40 next year, so I’ll probably be getting another one in February.

Not sure what, or where on my body, any suggestions sugar daddy? LMAO (oh yeah, I nearly forgot, my current tattoo is Marvin The Martian ) Sources: my addled brain .

I like the tattoo I have, but.... I do regret getting identical tattoos with someone who is no longer in my life.

Yes You answered your own question. Dermatologists wouldn't be making a fortune removing tattoos if there wasn't "anyone out there suffering from tattoo remorse".

Yes I gotta a guys name tatttoo a couple of years ago and I got it covered up but now I don't like that tattoo either or maybe im just looking for something to go along with it...its a paw print! .

" "I an havung buyers remorse with my new dog. Should I find her a new home or just live with it?" "how much is a tattoo? Will it hurt since it will be my first tattoo?

" "Where's your first tattoo?" "What causes suffering? " "Analyze my dream? My boyfriend (of four years) cheats on me and has no remorse.

He didn't consider it "making love. "" "Do you loan books to people than regret the fact that years later the book is returned? Lenders remorse" "Do you have a tattoo?

I have one..

I an havung buyers remorse with my new dog. Should I find her a new home or just live with it?

My boyfriend (of four years) cheats on me and has no remorse. He didn't consider it "making love.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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