There are about thirty five (35) museums in Louisville, Kentucky. The museums are of different types. There are three art museums namely; Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, Speed Art Museum and Louisville Glassworks.
There are also some regional, national and world history museums, which includes, the Civil War Museum, Frazier International Bullitt County Kentucky Railway Museum, New Haven and Kentucky Derby Museum. Most of these museums have been around for more than 60 yrs. And are still in operation.
Visitors come from all parts of the world to see the items on display and also to learn of the histories backing them up. Below is a list of all the museums in Louisville, Kentucky. ---Quote--- * Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft * Louisville Glassworks * Speed Art Museum * Bullitt County story Museum (Shepherdsville) * Carnegie Center for Art & Indiana) * Corydon Capitol State Indiana) * Falls of the Ohio State Park interpretive center, a museum covering the natural history related to findings in the nearby exposed Devonian fossil beds as well as the human history of the Louisville area.
* The Filson storical Society — features a museum and extensive historical collections * Henry County story Center & Museum (New Castle) * storic Locust Grove Visitors Center, which includes a museum * storic Middletown Museum * Howard Steamboat Museum (Jeffersonville, Indiana) * Jeffersontown storical Museum * Jim Beam Outpost (Clermont) * Kentucky Derby Museum * Kentucky Railway Museum (New Haven) * Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory * My Old Kentucky Home State Park (Bardstown) * Oldham County story Center (La Grange) * Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey (Bardstown) * Portland Museum * Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing Visitors Center, which includes a museum * Thomas Edison House * Whitney Young Birthplace and Museum * Callahan Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind * Civil War Museum (Bardstown), including the Civil War Museum of the Western Theater, Pioneer Village, Women's Civil War Museum, War Memorial of Mid America and the Wildlife Museum * Frazier International story Museum — features war weaponry and related historical artifacts, especially focusing on British and U.S. Conflicts * Joseph A. Callaway Archaeological Museum at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary * John Hay Center * National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution — features a historical museum and a genealogical collection * Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor (Fort Knox) * Louisville Museum Plaza (future) * Louisville Science Center — hands-on science museum featuring an IMAX theater * Muhammad Ali Center * Thomas Merton Center ---End quote---
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.