Ratail MeNot, retailmenot.com/view/babyshowerstuff.com, has several redeemable coupon codes for babyshowstuff.com. There are coupon codes for $10 off of a $100 purchase, 12 percent off and 15 percent off codes as well. They also have a place you can sign up for emailed coupons from
There are over 10 pages of links. This link has a lot of coupon codes for babycatalog. Com, like 10 percent off the full purchase price.
This is just one example of what they have. At, search.shopathome.com/sr.aspx?SearchType=1&SearchText=baby%20shower&GUID=%7B154EA8C8-4F34-4E71-B19E-199B8EABCC5D%7D&CustomerId=46840907&XMLVer=699&SelectRebatesVer=, has 58 online deals and/or coupons for baby shower items and ideas. One example is for M&M’s: 9 coupons for m-ms.com/us/ where you can personalize M&M’s with colors and/or images or printed words/names.
Another example is 51 coupons for www.thelandofnod.com.
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