There are some natural home remedies for dark circles around your eyes. I will tell you a few I found: 1. Lie on a bed or couch comfortably and close your eyes.
Get some cucumber or raw potato slices and cover your eyelids for about 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water and apply an eye cream. 2.
Apply lemon juice or tomato juice with cotton balls on your dark circles twice a day. 3. Apply a cold used tea bag to the eyelids.It is known to cure dark circles under the eyes.
4. Massage the dark circle area around your eyes with almond oil at night right before you go to bed. I also found out, like you did, that sometimes dark circles are just hereditary and a sign of age. (sorry) And the other remedy everywhere is to be sure you get enough sleep every night.
Hope this helps! :-).
I agree with @iklilian on the causes for having dark circles around the eyes. Yes, it maybe caused by lack of sleep, stress, fatigue, hyper pigmentation, deficiency in necessary nutrients, sun exposure and excessive use of drugs and medications. This can also be inherited and most often this becomes visible as one gets older.
But there are remedies that you can have like having enough rest or 8 hours of sleep. Put on cold cucumber slices on your eyes or if you run out of cucumber, you can get two clean spoons, freeze them and put on your eyes like you put on the cucumber slices but this time, you will need to hold the spoons or they will fall. Applying a mixture of lemon and tomato juice can also help.Do it twice a day.
When going out, use sunglasses in order to prevent exposing your eyes from harmful sun rays. Wearing sunglasses also prevents wrinkles and crow's feet. You can also have your eyes massaged by a licensed massage therapist.
I do this everytime I'd look haggard as I also grow dark circles under my eyes esp. If I got so stressed and stay up late URL2 massager does it very well for me always and I'd feel good after. It's just that after getting a good massage, you should avoid facing your computer so your eyes can rest.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Take also enough vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A and iron. These are proven to be effective in keeping one's skin and eyes healthy.
After using the computer, never wash your face.
Dark circles around the eyes are caused by many factors. They could be due to insufficient sleep, excessive use of medication and drugs, lack of nutrients, age, stress, excessive exposure to sunlight and even heredity. Dark circles caused by all these factors can be treated, in exception of that caused by heredity.
Some effective natural remedies include; *Daily intake of a mixture of fresh tomato juice, mint leaves, lemon juice and a little salt helps to treat dark circles and improve your metabolism. *Take at least ten glassful of water every day *Grind a small potato and apply the juice on the dark circle with a cotton ball, leave for 15 minutes and repeat each night until the dark circle goes away. You can do this with cucumber juice too.
*Apart from drinking the tomatoes and lemon juice, you can also apply the mixture to the dark circle. This should be done frequently for faster results. *Get enough rest and sleep for at least eight hours each day.
*Take vitamin supplements or lots of fruits and vegetables. *Place used tea bags or cucumber slices over your eyes for 20 minutes
In order to reduce dark circles under your eyes, I found that putting a warm teabag on them helps a bit. I just use the teabag right after making a cup of tea so its still warm. Put it UNDER YOUR EYE.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.