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Yes there is. INOA. The L'OREAL dye that contains no ammonia has less odor.
Because it contains no ammonia. Also, it is gentle on the hair.
There are some hair dyes out there these days that have less of an odor. Usually they will even say on the outside of the box. You can even look for organic hair dyes.
Tints of Nature is a permanent hair dye that comes to mind that has very little odor. Another thing to keep in mind is the less permanent the hair color is the less toxic it is. Why not go with a semi permanent or even a temporary hair color.
These will usually have less of an odor and are safer for us. Extra tips: Instead of dying the whole head you can highlight or low light the hair. This can be less damaging.
Make sure you dye your hair in a well ventilated room. Keep in mind salons are wide open. If you dye your hair from home we usually do it in the bathroom.
Not the best idea. Try a living room and even open the windows!
There are some hair dyes out there these days that have less of an odor. Usually they will even say on the outside of the box. You can even look for organic hair dyes.
Tints of Nature is a permanent hair dye that comes to mind that has very little odor. Another thing to keep in mind is the less permanent the hair color is the less toxic it is. Why not go with a semi permanent or even a temporary hair color.
These will usually have less of an odor and are safer for us. Instead of dying the whole head you can highlight or low light the hair. This can be less damaging.
Make sure you dye your hair in a well ventilated room. Keep in mind salons are wide open. If you dye your hair from home we usually do it in the bathroom.
Not the best idea. Try a living room and even open the windows! There are some hair dyes out there these days that have less of an odor.
Usually they will even say on the outside of the box. You can even look for organic hair dyes. Tints of Nature is a permanent hair dye that comes to mind that has very little odor.
Another thing to keep in mind is the less permanent the hair color is the less toxic it is. Why not go with a semi permanent or even a temporary hair color. These will usually have less of an odor and are safer for us.
Instead of dying the whole head you can highlight or low light the hair. This can be less damaging. Make sure you dye your hair in a well ventilated room.
Keep in mind salons are wide open. If you dye your hair from home we usually do it in the bathroom. Not the best idea.
Try a living room and even open the windows!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.