Barnes And Noble Coupons other than your reward membership are widely available on the internet although the conditions for using them are quite specific. You just have to check the available offers one by one. Here below are some which you may check immediately:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow"> allows you to subscribe for e-mail alerts when new Barnes & Noble coupons are available.
Other sites also have similar alert function. But they may cover a whole category, e.g. Books, Music & Videos instead of only Barnes & Noble.
The best coupons usually come from being a rewards member, but you can also get free gift cards and cash back by signing up and using the Barnes & Noble Master Card. You get a $25 B&N gift card for signing up, 5% cash back on purchases made at any Barnes & Noble bookstore or on their website and a free $25 gift card for every 2,500 points you earn on your card. ($1 spent on the card= 1 point).
The card doesn't have an annual fee, so, the rewards of the card may be better than coupons. It is possible that card members may also be sent special offers in their monthly statements as well. The attached video discusses the benefits of rewards cards and some tips for maximizing their value.
There are several online coupons available for Barnes and Noble bookstores other than the ones that you get through their store's rewards or membership program. Both members and non-members can make use of them. These coupons can be found on coupon sites or third party sites.
Some of these sites include: * On this site you would find BN. Com coupons, specials deals, discounts and promo codes for great savings at Barnes and Noble Books. Some of The coupons available as of 17/07/2010 are #a buy two romance novels and get a third one for free.
Expiring on July 30, 2010 #a 50% off on all New York Times hardcover bestsellers The link to the coupons is on * this site has a printable coupon for a 40% off on the top 100 bestsellers. Print out the coupon from this link: Html Other sites and links where you can get these online coupons are: * here you get a 15% off on the most expensive item you have in your cart.
For this offer, Use the coupon code: W3P3V9Y. Make sure you use before July 19, 2010. #another offer is a printable coupon of $5 Off of a purchase of $50 or more.
Expires on July 25, 2010 * *
Using coupons are a great way to save money when shopping at Barnes and Noble. Many of the online coupon sites are only advertising what is already available as a promotion on bn. Com or in the actual stores.
The best way to get coupons is exactly what your are doing now, being a member. Discounts that are available for website purchases are usually displayed right on the front page of the website. If you do happen to find a coupon online, be sure that the store will honor it.
The terms and conditions can not specify a particular retailer (unless its Barnes and Noble) and should have a barcode and expiration date. If you have a cellular phone that can open email and has a web browser, there is no need to print the coupons sent you. You can bring your iPhone or Blackberry into any Barnes and Noble store.
They will honor the coupon, all you have to do is show them the screen shot you have from opening you mobile browser.
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