Are there any reviews of the Whirlpool WTW5300S(Q) washing machine anywhere?

I'm considering this as it seems to fit my needs at a reasonable price but haven't been able to find any reviews anywhere (good or bad). The same washing machine also goes under the WTW5310S(Q) and WTW5320S(Q) model numbers (different retailers) in case it helps. Asked by HeathcliffHuxtable 62 months ago Similar questions: reviews Whirlpool WTW5300S washing machine Home.

Similar questions: reviews Whirlpool WTW5300S washing machine.

No luck here either, but I did find reviews of other Whirlpool Top-Loaders Whirlpool is a good brand, I have had various appliances from them through the years, from washers to microwaves! Here are some reviews from other users of similar Whirlpool Top-loading washers. Here, one is thrilled and one is Works Great, Features are Great, Clothes are Clean!

, November 17, 2006Ours works great (despite what mamalinde says - I think she either got a lemon or something happened to it)! We've had ours for over a year and only issue we've had was a loose lid screw that stopped it from working (couldn't activate the lid switch), but a screwdriver fixed it in 1 minute. Before and since it has cleaned our clothes great.

With 2 kids, we use it everyday for multiple loads and all come out clean. I love all the controls. We can get exactly the wash I want.So for us, this has been a great machine.

It would be Energy Star effecient too (but it has a "hot" water wash cycle that disqualifies it) as long as you don't use the Hot wash temp. But having that cycle option is great for those really tough stains.It cleans our clothes and works great, what more do you want? The Unlonely Repairman, August 30, 2006Want to spend a bunch of time off work, meeting with repairmen?

Want to become a lunatic over laundry? Want your things stained and soiled rather than cleaned? This would be a great purchase if that is the case.

6 months after buying this washer BRAND NEW, I'm off for rendezvous number 4 with a repairman. If you like a big ugly black ring in the tub of your washer (and on the agitator) that Whirlpool says is "pet hair and lint" (but I say is some kind of grease) and if you want things to be ruined with blue/grey spots - this might be the machine for you. The Unlonely repairman suggests that it is perfectly acceptable to scrub out the washer between each load, and that using hot water (on today's fabrics?

) sure does help. Now, I have been doing laundry for over 30 years, but this was all new to me. I would love to be rid of the aggravation of this machine, but can't afford to replace a brand new washer.

Want pictures? Go to, user is mamalinde, album is entitled Whirlpool Washer. I'm usually a very nice person, and not particularly dirty, but I kicked this washer yesterday and really have to rein myself in when I discuss it.

Please read the reviews and consider the aggravation factor as you decide what new machine to purchase. FYI: Whirlpool has bought Maytag. Here, the product is a washer and a dryer, all the users mainly very pleased, other than bumping their head on the door :) Don't bump your headby dennisfan , Dec 04 '00Pros: Brand, durable, space-saving, lots of control optionsCons: Heavy, a bit awkward to get to washer, have to reachIn June, my husband and I moved to a much smaller apartment and had to purchase a W/D unit.

We wanted individual units, but didn't have the space, so we bought a stack unit. We shopped around, but didn't have much luck finding stack units until we went... Whirlpool Combo - A Good Choice (Updated)by bud41 Epinions Most Popular Authors - Top 500, Jul 17 '01Pros: several settings, quiet, gives you more space, easy to installCons: heavy, tallHere's how it came about. I was lying on the couch one afternoon trying to come up with a way to get more storage space in my house.

We are closet poor. Suddenly, the laundry area came to mind. Our side-by-side washer/dryer was aging, and I thought of it ...Pros: durable and sturdy, good laundry results, doesn't require a second bedroom to install one.

Cons: banging my head is irritating...We bought these machines for rentals and it's been one of our most successful purchases (it's right up there with the Hobart Kitchenaid dishwasher that has been running for 25 years without a repair). I don't know exactly how many years ago we bought gramto12 , Nov 17 '01Pros: Big enough to handle family-sized loads with ease, runs quietly. Cons: I need to be about 2 inches taller to more easily reach into the dryer.

The stacked Whirlpool Extra Large Capacity Washer with Electric Dryer LTE 6234D is an excellent choice for anyone with limited floor space. You will get a lot of work out of the small area that is covered by this machine. Sources: links inside .

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Can I use h.e. Detergent in a regular washing machine.

What are the adventages of using a washing machine for washing clothes.

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