There are lots of video enemies enemies out there. Aliens and mutants and goblins and criminals and Nazis and time-traveling supervillains and the ever-popular time-traveling alien mutant Nazi supervillains with criminal intentions. What I'm wondering is whether there are any video games where the bad guys is some sort of lawyer.
Asked by CowOfDeath 45 months ago Similar questions: video game enemies lawyers Consumer Electronics > Video Games.
Similar questions: video game enemies lawyers.
The topic is so revolting that no one except the biggest pervs would even begin to buy a game of this sort. You know that will happen next, don’t you? Stories will start to appear on the Internet reporting that children and young adults who play those games are having a rate of admission into psychiatric facilities far above that the of the general population.
Next step will be the lawsuits against the vendors and producers of the videos by outraged parents, teachers and loved ones. Next, Congressman Waxman will begin congressional hearings. Since Rep.
Waxman is a lawyer himself, look for weeks of ugly hearings which will just about kill the sales of the videos. The final blow will occur when the Democratic National Committee gets on the phone and points out to the beleaguered companies still left in the business that both llary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama are both lawyers. The winner of their contest will be running against a non-lawyer, patriot and war hero.So the companies agree to remove all existing copies from the shelves as their contribution to help defeat the Zionist, American invaders in Iraq.
Sadly, the withdrawal of the games will come too late to save the Democrats and their Islamofascist allies. What will do them in entirely will be a hot video on YouTube, showing Sen. Obama doing lawyer things in public like speaking empty platitudes to confused audiences: being pompous, overdressed and condescending to everyone that he approaches; and, finally, sending outrageous bills to defenseless civilians.
These signs of being a lawyer and not even in recovery or a twelve step program or having remorse or contrition or anything will doom his candidacy. In years to come, historians will debate if any Democrat had a chance in 2008. But, the consensus will develop that the lawyer games are what doomed their ticket--and the capture of Bin Laden and the bombing of Iran into the Stone Age by Israel on the Sunday before the general election.
See what selling lawyer video games might accomplish? Not a pretty picture is it?
White Mug Amazon List Price: $12.99 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name. Mug Don't hit me My lawyer's in jail Large Bumper Sticker Will Rogers never met a lawyer Large Bumper Sticker BEWARE OF MY LAWYER 11 oz. White Mug Amazon List Price: $12.99 Old Lawyers by Necktie Accessories silver silver plated cufflinks Trust Me I'm a Lawyer Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) Bring On The Naked Lawyers Mug (Your Choice of Colors) Lawyer's Breath Hot Sauce, Judicial Flavors, 6 fl oz Lovers Need Lawyers Amazon List Price: $3.001 Used from: $3.002 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 5 reviews) LAWYER: A cat settling a dispute between 2 mice Bumper Sticker .
Or I don't think there were any boss-style enemies but you could clearly shoot them :D .
Or I don't think there were any boss-style enemies but you could clearly shoot them :D.
2 Hmm...Jack Thompson is a video game enemy who is a lawyer, but that, sadly, is real life. .
Hmm...Jack Thompson is a video game enemy who is a lawyer, but that, sadly, is real life.
TeeSeeJay, that is a hilarious answer, thank you :-)By the way, for anyone who wants to play AS a lawyer, the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney game is fantastic.
Looking for playstation2 video games for beginers.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.