I tried to search online and I came up with several sites where you can buy gift cards. You can also sell gift cards that you will not be using. These are the sites: 1.
plasticjungle.com/pjweb/control/aboutUsOver Plastic Jungle is the best way to sell and buy, exchange or donate gift card online. They offer the most innovative, convenient and safest way to get the most out of the gift cards. All transactions are guaranteed and they have the best prices too.
Gift cards on Plastic Jungle can be bought at a discount and you can save up to 30% off your next shopping trip. 3. swapagift.com/about.html Swapagift.Com is a leading internet site for selling and buying discounted gift cards.
At the present they have gift cared repurchasing service that can be found in 600 retail locations all over the U.S. 4.
Com, Plastic Jungle and Giftcards. Com to bring you lots of saving of up to 50% off card value on gift card to the most popular retailers.
I know a wholesale online shop that sells many cheap things. And it also offers free shipping. Www.sunnygain.com.
I think in addition to the places that @annelisle provided you should contact the places directly to buy their gift cards in bulk. I do know that Applebee's has a section on their site for people to contact for bulk gift card purchases. applebees.com/GiftCardLanding.aspx I also know that Amazon.Com offers bulk gift card purchases through an Amazon account.
amazon.com/Corporate-Gift-Certificates/b... However, from my research, unless you want to take time to earn gift cards for free through rewards points or something, you are better off to buy a small amount from eBay. You can find people who are auctioning off gift cards they don't want. You really have to be careful buying gift cards this way.
Do not buy one unless you have seller protection with PayPal on the purchase. I would also avoid buying a card from someone who doesn't have much feedback or excellent feedback. Another option is this site, that @annelisle has already mentioned:
The Walker-Wielding Queen of Discount Gift CardsGift Card Granny is one sassy senior who serves much more than cold milk and freshly-baked snickerdoodles. She leads you through the world of discount gift cards, tracking down the best places to buy, sell and exchange gift cards for your favorite retailers, restaurants, grocery stores and more. The septuagenarian superhero always appears at the right moment with unbelievable mark-downs on an unbeatable selection of discount gift cards.
Her online gift card exchange offers the easiest way to sell gift cards for cash or buy gift cards for cheap online. With a hankerin' for savin' and a soft spot for sales, Gift Card Granny is your reliable resource when it comes time to buy gift cards for less. Don’t just take our word for it though.
Check out what personal finance experts and major media outlets have to say about using GiftCardGranny.com. Testimonials“The ‘Google of Gift Cards,’ Gift Card Granny does the searching for you.” - PC Magazine “I’ve found the easiest way to find the best deals is through Gift Card Granny.” - USA Today “The easiest way to find the best deal is through an aggregator site called Gift Card Granny.” - MSN Money Buy Gift CardsWhether you’re looking for a new way to save on everyday expenses or you’re planning a major purchase, discount gift cards will help you get the best prices on everything from groceries to HDTVs. Working with the Web’s most reputable resellers and gift card exchange sites, Gift Card Granny brings you the biggest discounts when you buy gift cards online.
Shopping with gift cards also provides plenty of advantages. They never expire, can usually be used at any location, and can be combined with coupons to multiply your savings. When you want to buy discount gift cards, you won’t find a more comprehensive collection anywhere else online.
Sell Gift Cards While gift cards have been the most requested present every year since 2007, that doesn’t mean they’re actually getting used. A 2014 report found more than $44 billion in gift cards have gone unused over the last six years. That means there’s plenty of bloated wallets and sock drawers spilling over with the popular plastic cards.
If this scene sounds all too familiar, the opportunity to sell your gift cards online may provide the perfect solution. Working with a number of top gift card exchange sites, Gift Card Granny guides you to the highest prices resellers are willing to pay. The process is painless; when you find a payout you like, provide the buyer with your information, drop the cards in the mail, and wait for your cash payout to roll in.
Selling gift cards online couldn’t be more simple. Check Gift Card BalancesWhen you’re using gift cards regularly (or once in a blue moon), it’s easy to lose track of the balance. Luckily Gift Card Granny offers a number of free and easy ways for you to check your gift card balances online.
You’ll also find handy customer service information and store locators to make your shopping experience more convenient than ever. Other Gift Card ServicesThere are many other types of gift cards that you can buy. Gyft.com has a cool e-Gift website, with all the major brands.
GiftcardMall has hundreds of brands you can print and mail. GiftCards.com has customized gift cards that you can send with your photo on the card.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.