Are there more male than female or more female than male in this world?

There are more ment than women in the world, If you go by age through out the world from birth to age 15 there are more men than women (male 944,987,919/female 884,268,378). 15- 64 also shows more males than females (male 2,234,860,865/female 2,187,838,153), but after age 64 females out number males (male 227,164,176/female 289,048,221). This site breaks it down by country. site breaks it down by age group aspx.

This link should give you an idea of the difference in male to female population status in the world.

Generally given that world population is 50.1% female and 49.9% male. This is general, and does not consider things like the Communist Chinese actively skewing their numbers thru their "one child" policy such that they have almost 100,000,000 males who'll never find a permanent mate, at least not in China, because the parents aborted the female in favor of a later male.

Each city is also different depending on the types of jobs offered there. Maybe divorce helps people finally get a husband.

Too many variables. How do you define male and female.Do you count the males and females who have had sex change operations or are gay? What about all of the tribes and people off the grid that have not been counted?

What about all the babies being born right in this moment? What about all of the males and females that are dying right in this moment? What about after disasters?

What about during all the wars we are fighting? All of these things continually alter the numbers. Its like the Miss Universe pageant.

The winner isn't truly the most beautiful woman in the world because not every woman in the world is representing. Not every scenario can be calculated accurately from one moment to the next, so how is there any way to truly know? .

In the world, there are more Males than females. There are 102 males for every 100 females. In most developed nations, there are more females than males.

This is for several reasons. Females are less likely to die of infant diseases, fewer females die in wartime, and women outlive men. In the USA there are about 5,000,000 more women than men.In less developed nations, men live longer.

Can male and female algae eaters only be in the same tank or can male and male.

If you have a male and female dog, keep reading.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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