I don't know where you get your information from, but Senator Obama attends church regularly and is constantly talking about his christian faith. He is proud to be a christian.
Please know that I'm asking what church because I simply don't know.It doesn't matter the denomination, as long as they church is correctly and rightly dividing the Truth. As long as they are teaching the Word-God's word- than it truly doesn't matter. Even at that, going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car.
Have you ever read Psalm 139, it's a beautiful passage about how our Heavenly Father loves us soo much and how He is there for us. Verse 16 is so sweet, it ensures how much he adores me (us-s children) because before I was even formed he had my days planned for me. I reccomend that you read it and let it soak in your spirit.
Then pray that God's will be done in this election. I'm absolutely not saying who to vote for, i'm simply saying to check out both candidates and see what their values are--do they seem to be in line with God's Word? Think about it and do what is right.
Remember that God is not of confusion, but only of PEACE.
Stay blessed and in the Word. To God be the Glory forever and ever. Amen.
I am a devout Christian. I communicate with my heavenly father daily, most times hourly. There is not a minute that goes by that Jesus is not on my mind.
He has given me my answer, and I do know who I am supporting. I have studied the candidates physically and spiritually. I must do what I am lead to do spiritually.
Obama attended the Trinity United Church of Christ until all of the controversy with Rev. Wright. He now visits churches until he knows where he will be living after the election.
We were made in s image therefore we're supposed to follow our example Jesus. The Bible clearly tells us that in the Last days we will be persecuted for being a Christian and living the Christian life. If you can't trust the Lord your God to protect you and deliver you out of the hands of evil, than that means you don't have faith in If you don't have faith it's impossible to please God.
The Lord also says that you can't serve two gods. If your sitting on the fence, you are serving two gods because you haven't fully committed to ONE. He said He will spew you out of his mouth for being lukewarm.
He wants you to be on fire for m and serve .
Think about every President that we've had in office, I don't think there has been one that the majority of the people didn't like or they made fun of them, and there was always-always something controversial going on. Now if Obama can't take the heat in the church, how in the world am I supposed to feel comfortable and absolutley ensured that when people start coming against him and talking bad about him, he's not just going to shrink back and want to Quit. Especially if we're at war.(Don't get me wrong, I do trust my Lord to protect me and keep me safe, but that doesn't mean I can't take percautions.
You're supposed to have faith and not be dumb at the same time. ) I like that scripture, I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me. That pertains to EVERYTHING and EVERY area of life.
I'm sorry, but my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, isn't about quitting, if that's the case, there would not be redemption. What kind of purpose would we, as Christians, have if God-our God-which is why we are Christains- said, "if you can't handle the pressure of serving me with people being mean to you, then it's ok, you can quit and still be accepted into the Kingdom of God. " Isn't our purpose to reach out and get people saved?
If the Lord said that, than how many people would get saved? Really? I think every Christain would've quit.
Or at least be doing a half way job of ministering--which then that's where you find hypocrites. How effective are they when speaking on the behalf of God?
Think of it this way...If you were in the world and some one bumped into you at the store and completely went off on you as if it was all your fault, then later on you happened to get invited to go to church with a friend. You go and you see that person get up in front of the congregation and preach on "walking in love". How is that going to make you feel?
What's the point of being a "Christian" if you act like everyone else. We're supposed to be seperated UNTO CHRIST --not the world. Point Blank.
S reason for leaving was not because he is a quitter, but to protect a church that he loved and had been a member of for 20 years. He was married there. S children were baptized there.
He was really hurt by this decision but it was one that he had to make. The media had invaded the church, harrassing the members over controversial statements the previous pastor had said. They were taping every service and trying to take everything the new pastor said out of context.
They were even calling the sick and shut in members, asking them questions about Obama and Rev. Wright and things Wright had said.
Obama had a lot of friends that he cared about at that church where he had worked diligently for 20 years through the outreach ministry, helping those less fortunate. In a statement he gave, he explained that he could not let a church that he loved and that had done so much to help the underpriviledge be discredited and belittled by the press. He left so that the services could go on without scrutiny by the press and the people could worship God in peace.
If he was a quitter he would have given up this election a long time ago. He has been put through the wranger. Given the circumstances, I don't believe he would have made it this far without his faith in God.
Here's what Barack Obama had to say about hope and God.
Hope in the face of difficulty, hope in the face of uncertainty, the audacity of hope: In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation, a belief in things not seen, a belief that there are better days ahead.
Doesn't sound like someone "ashamed" to speak out to me! (see Hebrews 11:1).
Barack Obama does not shy away from direct appeals to believes. Yet, he seeks to utilize faith in God to draw Christians together. Obama is comfortable talking about faith.
Obama bin Laden is not a fanatical Muslim extremist with designs on the Oval Office so that he can systematically destroy America in favor of world-wide Islam.
Once again, repeat after me, "Obama bin Laden . . ..
Although you have changed your name to Dr. now, Obama is a christian and not Muslim. Putting that aside, what if he was an American Muslim. We do have legal Muslims in the USA you know.
I cannot believe the prejudice that so many people have for them. They are Americans with the same rights and privileges of every other American.
I hear so many comments about the American Muslims that are ungodly and cruel. These people work and they pay taxes. Most of them are upright citizens.
What does that say of us as a nation when we cannot accept our own US citizens because they are different?
If there are any American Muslims out there reading this site, I truly apologize for the ignorance that has been displayed by the American people during this election. I just want to say that I personally don't feel that way. I love you with the love of God.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.