Beside adding brown sugar, can I use Dark Karo syrup with sugar, to make brown sugar for most recipes?

Similar questions: adding brown sugar Dark Karo syrup make recipes.

Molasses, not dark corn syrup To make a cup of light brown sugar, add 1 tablespoon of molasses to a cup of white sugar and stir until mixed thoroughly. There are a couple things to do to keep your brown sugar from hardening. Keep it in an airtight container like tupperware or rubbermaid.

I've had a lot less luck keeping brown sugar in the disposable containers although they are great for other purposes. The other trick a lot of people use is to put a half of a slice of white bread in the container. This helps to keep a balance of moisture in the sugar so it doesn't harden.

Bon Appetit! .

Molasses, rather than Karo Brown sugar really is just white sugar with molasses added. If you don't have brown sugar, you can use a cup of white sugar, plus 3-4 tablespoons of molasses. Molasses has more moisture than brown sugar, so you should subtract 2 tablespoons of some other liquid in your recipe.

If you don't have molasses, you could use dark Karo syrup instead. It'll taste different, but maybe you'll like it better. It's a matter of taste; from a baking standpoint it's pretty similar.

The moisture contents are about the same. As for keeping brown sugar from becoming hard, it helps to store it in an airtight container. Brown sugar gets hard when the moisture evaporates.

Some people add a piece of bread, which is slightly moist. Others use little clay tablets soaked in water, which does the same job. (For some reason, those tablets are often shaped like bears.

Maybe it comes from the association of bears with honey. ) Still others store it in the freezer, which slows down evaporation, but you have to defrost it to use it. If your brown sugar does get hard, you can microwave it.

That doesn't add in the lost moisture, so it will be hard again when it cools, but it melts the sugar a bit so that it's loose enough to use. PamPerdue's Recommendations Brown Sugar Bear 54923 One of those clay tablets I mentioned.

Adding karo syrup will not give you brown sugar. You need to add molasses. You would add one tablespoon of molasses to one cup of white sugar.

This will give you Golden Brown sugar. To make Dark Brown sugar add three tablespoons to one cup sugar. In this how to video they use two cups of sugar and 1/3 cup molasses Keeping your brown sugar soft is easy.

The easiest is by storing the soft sugar in an airtight container or ziplock bag. If it is already looking a little dry, use a terra cotta sugar disk, which will gradually release moisture into the sugar. If your sugar has already hardened, you can either zap it in the microwave (short term solution) or add some moisture back to it by transferring it to an airtight container or bag with something slightly moist, like a damp paper towel or a sugar disc, and occasionally working with it to break it up.To find out more about the terra cotta sugar disk and other uses for them go to Sources: cited above *Carla*'s Recommendations Brown Sugar Preserver, Rooster Design Brown Sugar Softener - Bear Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 3 reviews) Brown Sugar Softener - Maple Leaf Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 3 reviews) Brown Sugar Softener - Moose .

I myself have tried putting a little amount of cornstarch when I don't have a mascubado(dark brown sugar). I know how to make the sugar to not become rock hard. I often experiment because I am a mother with no house help so it's hard for me to go even near retailing stores just to buy this and that whenever I run out of stock.

I have tried making a sweet coconut jam. It was when I ran out of mascubado sugar or that black sugar that is used to mix with the brown sugar that I knew that a little cornstarch can be the option for it. I tried and it really works.

The mixture after cooking didn't harden. I haven't tried dark karo syrup yet. It's the cornstarch I only have tried.

Just try also. You will learn through your own experiments too. Sources: IT'S MY OWN OPINION..

1 I read somewhere that you leave brown sugar in an air tight jar w/ a piece of bread in it (to suck up any extra moisture) .

I read somewhere that you leave brown sugar in an air tight jar w/ a piece of bread in it (to suck up any extra moisture).

Recipes please! " "Does anyone know how to make frosting when you cook brown sugar with butter and add powdered sugar for example?" "Any good cookie recipes using stevia instead of sugar? " "what can you use other than sugar syrup and glycerin in fondant" "Where can I find recipes that uses little or no sugar at all?

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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