Can an ExpandableListView be embedded in another layout?

Yes, it is not difficult to use ListView ExpandableListView and friends without their associated activities You just need to call setAdapter() on your ExpandableListView after instantiating it or retrieving it from your layout: ExpandableListView list = (ExpandableListView) findViewById( ListView); list. SetAdapter(myExpandableAdapter).

Yes, it is not difficult to use ListView, ExpandableListView and friends without their associated activities. You just need to call setAdapter() on your ExpandableListView after instantiating it or retrieving it from your layout: ExpandableListView list = (ExpandableListView) findViewById( ListView); list.


1 Thanks a lot, now I understand how to do it. I hadn't seen any examples on how to do this, but now it's working well. – Nina Mar 10 at 23:12.

Sure. There should be no problem. An ExpandableListActivity is just a thin veneer over an ExpandableListView (actually, any layout that has an ExpandableListView with an id of

You can either use an ExpandableListActivity with your own custom layout or else define your own activity and give up the (relatively few) convenience methods that ExpandableListActivity provides.

Thanks for your reply, but I needed something more concrete. – Nina Mar 10 at 23:13.

Return the parent activity if this view is an embedded child. That are private to this activity. Return the current requested orientation of the activity.

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