Can betta fish live in a fish bowl with no light?

Yes they can, and a person can live in an 8'x8' cell. It's about the same thing, except the fish didn't do anything to deserve such punishment Bettas, like most other fish, like to swim around. A single betta needs a 5-10 gallon tank with a heater and filter for optimum health.

Plants and caves make it more interesting for him and a couple of rasboras might work, depending on his aggressive tendencies. They can't be kept with other bettas, but do appreciate tank mates if they have room. The red ones tend to be more aggressive.

If he is aggressive, he will not do well with other fish unless he's in at least a 30 gallon tank. People tend to think they don't live long, but if they have enough room, clean water, and consistent temperature, they will be much less stressed and can live for a lot longer than expected They can live in 2 gallons, but you can live in a bathroom if someone feeds you. It would probably shorten your life and certainly make it less healthy Most fish can live for a few months maybe, at the most in too small a space.

That is nothing compared to 5-7 years (how long bettas usually live). A 5 gal tank with some ghost shrimp, a heater, filter and real plants would give a betta the best life ever.

Bowls are often small and they are difficult to fit heaters and filters into. Their rounded shape also distorts the view of your beautiful betta. Small bowls are not ideal because in such small spaces, bettas develop neurotic behaviors such as tail biting and glass surfing and often become obese from lack of exercise.

They also often die from ammonia building up too quickly in such a small space. Fish constantly excrete ammonia through their gills--kind of like urine. In order to keep the ammonia level down in a 1 or 1.5 gallon bowl, you would need to change 100% of the water and clean out the bowl with hot water every 3-4 days.

That's a lot of work. In a larger, filtered tank, the tank undergoes a process called the Nitrogen cycle.

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