It depends. Specifically, it depends upon what species of duck you are asking about. Most of the world's ducks fly well.In fact, they are known for their long migrations.
However, there are other species of ducks which cannot fly. The Fuegian Steamer Duck (Tachyeres pteneres), also called the Magellanic Flightless Steamer Duck, is a flightless duck from South America. There were also several species of flightless duck which became extinct due to human activities.In addition, at certain times of the year other ducks may lose the ability to fly for a few weeks when they moult their feathers. Also, some breeds of domestic ducks have lost the ability to fly.
According to thIS article by ducks can fly. ----quote---- How Do Ducks Fly? Ducks, and other birds, can fly thanks to the way in which their bodies are designed.
The shape and angle of their wings push the air down, pushing their bodies up at the same time. Since the air rushing over the top of their wings is lighter than the air below the wings, it allows the ducks to keep gaining altitude. Birds glide in much the same way as an airplane.
Their outstretched wings allow the wind to carry them along and hold them up. When a bird flaps its wings, it pushes air down, making the bird rise up through the lighter air above it. Then, once it reaches its desired height, it can glide until it needs to start flapping again.
----quote---- Information quoted from Html Also this Wikipedia article also state that ducks can fly
If you're talking about normal ducks as in the bird then yes.
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