You can get an accredited degree from any school that has earned accreditation. When choosing a college, accreditation is an important consideration. This is more important with an online school, as some of them are not reputable and could end up taking your money, but not giving you a worthwhile education.
Accreditation is important because it signals to potential employers that you have undergone a program of sufficient academic rigor and you are prepared for the next step in your life after college. With an accredited degree, you are also eligible to transfer to other schools. You may also later want to attend graduate school and a degree from a school that is not accredited may not be sufficient to gain admission to that grad school.
With the fast pace of the world around us, there are several universities that are providing quality advanced education through online resources that are accredited. I am currently attending Walden University for a graduate degree in psychology and intend to continue my education further to advance into my PhD in clinical psychology. You have to be aware that there are many online colleges and universities and some are not accredited.
The university must continue to apply and be approved for accreditation from the official office of educational accreditation. I believe that it is possible to get a quality education through online schooling. I get to work at my own pace, within deadlines, but on my own schedule.
The teachers are as good as if attending brick and mortar physical universities. Some will be great, some will not be as great. It is important to get an education from an accredited college or university because the credentials become not only impressive, but it provides any potential professional or employer with the ability to prove a quality education.In some schools and universities the education cannot be proven because they are not following the educational rules that are standards within the fields being taught.
I know of only a few accredited online universities. I attended Kaplan University for my BS degree, and I know that University of Phoenix is also accredited.In order to go to online law school, be aware that only one state in the union, California accepts a law degree obtained online. Also, only one school, Concord is available for a law degree online.
So, to list the ones I know: Walden University Kaplan University University of Phoenix DeVry University Concord University (see link below for a more extensive list) Good luck on your search!
With the fast pace of the world around us, there are several universities that are providing quality advanced education through online resources that are accredited. I am currently attending Walden University for a graduate degree in psychology and intend to continue my education further to advance into my PhD in clinical psychology. You have to be aware that there are many online colleges and universities and some are not accredited.
The university must continue to apply and be approved for accreditation from the official office of educational accreditation. I believe that it is possible to get a quality education through online schooling. I get to work at my own pace, within deadlines, but on my own schedule.
The teachers are as good as if attending brick and mortar physical universities. Some will be great, some will not be as great. It is important to get an education from an accredited college or university because the credentials become not only impressive, but it provides any potential professional or employer with the ability to prove a quality education.
In some schools and universities the education cannot be proven because they are not following the educational rules that are standards within the fields being taught. I know of only a few accredited online universities. I attended Kaplan University for my BS degree, and I know that University of Phoenix is also accredited.
In order to go to online law school, be aware that only one state in the union, California accepts a law degree obtained online. Also, only one school, Concord is available for a law degree online. So, to list the ones I know: Walden University Kaplan University University of Phoenix DeVry University Concord University (see link below for a more extensive list) Good luck on your search!
WGU is an accredited online university offering online bachelor's and master's degree programs. - Respected online degrees. Earn a degree employers value.
- Flexible, online study. You learn when and where it fits your life. - Affordable, lower tuition.
WGU is a nonprofit online university.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.