Obama-Mitt is a toss-up. Obama will probably re-elect with low effort if any other of your list is party selected. And eventually, I think Mitt will get the nomination, unless the behind the scenes super-wealthy that control most of the game prefer an Obama win.
I remain an independent; socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I avoid listening to media or reading too deeply into the newspaper articles because they heavily bias. The right wing and Tea Party have an overwhelming influence on the Republicans, and that is the downfall.
The candidates are all like a circus, and very few people supporting them really knows what each fully stands for or where it would take the country if they were elected. They each are playing with the public, and I don't know Obama did much different in his campaign. Nobody has more than a 40% support and at least 60% against and that's within the party.
It is worse on a national level adding all people together. Obama has only a 40% support now, but the Republican leadership was registering closer to 10% support and that is where the candidates seem to be from. People dislike the stonewalling, and blame Obama for not breaking through, and the Republican cooperation is "give us everything and we will say yes".
They blocked the tax cut extension on workers, while spouting tax cut support. As one of these cartoons below shows, Obama's best thing going for him is the Republican candidates. More than half the people would vote against him, except those that are up for nomination.
Ron Paul is far too biased towards the wealthy, and his concepts would lead to chaos. Manufacturing moved to China is the countries biggest problem, and his deregulation concepts would push the rest away. Mitt is most centrist, stands the best chance of winning the election if nominated, and has had to waffle and zig-zag saying anything and reversing opinions, just to keep party support.
Santorum is too fundamentalist for me. Gingrich is at the heart of what caused the recession. Rick Perry I haven't thought about much.
Mitt is the only candidate to show neck-in-neck in Obama polls, and Obama has not campaigned seriously yet. I do believe if the Party backs Mitt, it will be a tight race. Anyone else cannot get enough votes on a national level and will wake up the left of center to actually participate in the election.
If honestly interested, here are some great political comics that express the situation perfectly. I would not think you're really interested though. Most Republicans prefer not to look: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/php/galleri... http://www.usnews.com/usnews/php/galleri... http://www.usnews.com/usnews/php/galleri...
I'm an Independent, and quite frankly just ONCE before I die I'd like to be able to vote without reservations for a candidate I truly believe in, instead of having to choose (once again) from the "lesser of two evils".
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.