Can I receive my financial aid check if I owe child support it's not on my credit or anything the child is barely a year?

Can I receive my financial aid check if I owe child support it's not on my credit or anything the child is barely a year Asked by Spanky91188 14 months ago Similar questions: receive financial aid check owe child support credit barely year Business > Financial Services.

Similar questions: receive financial aid check owe child support credit barely year.

This is one of the most revolting questions I've seen in quite a while. Do the right thing and PAY YOUR GODDAMNED CHILD SUPPORT.

Yes you can. The questions on the fafsa application in regards to reporting your earnings that came in, such if how you received from child support not about the debts you owed or incurred. Pell grants awarded is money that you are entitled to based on the substantial needs based on your income level.At universities you usually receive the check before school.

And community colleges usually give the checks in the middle of the semester. Although you should use some of the money to help your child, that is what it is.

Fafsa application is in regards to the income that came in your house, not how much you owe.

It doesn't make any difference how old your child is. It's YOUR CHILD! Geesh.

You have a child and you aren't adult enough to support it. Ugh.

It only states tha he is behind; he wants to go back to school and maybe this is so he can support his child better. He's asking a question which implies he is trying to better himself and of course some people have to "Trip" on the question or their own amusement! (And just so you know, I am not someone who owes support, I am a single mom with a so-called parent who owes back support so I am not against the idea...I just think it's so sad how people had to jump on the "pay your support" kick!

) .

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Will I recieve financial aid if I owe child support.

It doesn't make any difference how old your child is. It's YOUR CHILD! Geesh.

You have a child and you aren't adult enough to support it. Ugh. TurboB 58 months ago.

It doesn't make any difference how old your child is. It's YOUR CHILD! Geesh.

You have a child and you aren't adult enough to support it. Ugh. TurboB 62 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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