Money cannot and will not buy happiness. Happiness needs to come from within, and you can be happy without money, but money does buy a lot of things in our lives. What money can buy are material things that can assist with making you happy, but it does not by the feeling or emotion of happiness itself.
You could have all the riches, and all the money in the world, but if you are not happy about what you're doing with it, then you cannot buy happiness. An example of money buying things that make you happy would be if you love to ski, you're very passionate about it, and you buy yourself new skis, then money can buy the material item that leads to our happiness, but it was not the money itself that made us happy. Let's say you didn't have much money, and you liked to ski, and you entered a free raffle to win a dream ski trip.It did not cost you any money to win, and you are then happy when you win.
Money is related to our material world and materialism. People can lend their money, or donate their money and feel happy about it, because they helped out someone else, which allowed someone else to buy something material. Happiness is a state of inner peace, and the root of it starts with you, and for you to see the greatness in your inner and outer self, and you have the self esteem to grow happily.
In the end, only you can make yourself happy. The reality is that money can be given or exchanged for material things that lead to our happiness, but money itself cannot buy the feeling of happiness. Happiness starts with you, your attitude, and just simply being happy.
No. If your relationships are cruddy, if you have goals for yourself that you aren't meeting, if you have baggage from your past you haven't dealt with, all you're going to do is hide from your problems a little while with your newest toy. Money can't buy friends, and friends are a lot of what makes life happy.
If you have no one in your life you can trust, who you can let down your hair with, money isn't going to buy you that. You'd think that if you could pay someone a lot of money to keep your secrets they would, but the headlines prove that one wrong every day. Money doesn't even buy peace of mind, because money can so easily vanish, because of everything from the stock market to identity theft.
Put your hope in things eternal, and you'll have happiness.
If riding on roller coasters makes you happy, then yes money can buy you a roller coaster. If having a huge wedding with the person you love will make you happy then yes you can buy a huge wedding service in a giant castle with hundreds of people. Money can even make people like you more and if you are happy when people like you then you can buy happiness.
Life is not a movie, our very existence is based around money and the aquisition of it. If your a fat slob who hates him/herself and can't find anyone who wants to spend the rest of their life with you, money can buy you a gym membership, it can impress people enough to want to be around you and if you are a decent enough person those people may in time want to be around you for other reasons, like who you are. Yes money can buy you happiness, I'm sure there are many nice, sweet and sensitive homeless people out there but no one knows them.
Like I said life is not a fairy tale movie, money can buy you happiness, it's not superficial or shallow to want money but if you need money because you think thats all people want then you are superficial and shallow but look at the bright side, you would be shallow enough not to realize how unhappy you were anyway.
Money buys material things, so happiness cannot be picked up off a shelf and purchased. You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not comfortable with yourself, you can never truly be happy.
I think this issue isn't black and white. There can be happy poor people, unhappy rich people, and vice versa. But what makes people happy?
1. Advancement, success, and fulfillment in work: usually leads to earning more money 2. Love: a big reason for divorce is financial battles.
3. Travel: need money 4. Security: need money 5. Making your kids stable and happy: need money 6.
Going places like movies or amusement parks:need money The list can go on and on. Money CAN make you happy if it's used for experience. It's a different issue when you're looking at material goods.
The thing is that when you're struggling to buy your kids any clothes and killing yourself because you can't make rent, then obviously being poor can destroy someone's happiness.
No.. Happiness is what comes from within your heart when your soul is content and satisfied in what you have What makes you happy is content and want for nothing in what you have! Cheer up! Money can obviously afford you a better standard of living but can never make you happy.. Remember the time when you hangout with your best buddies or had an amazing walk on the beach with the love of your life?
Money can never get you these things.. Of course you can buy a lot of things which you think will make you a luxury car, or an expensive dinner or anything like that but I bet on the inside you'll always feel lonely and gloomy I ain't telling that rich people are sad but what makes them happy is never the money or the commodities.. The mind always wants more and more, and yes,money can fulfill these demands but have you ever wondered that one goes on buying thing after thing, hoping to be happy..have these things ever brought lasting happiness to you? Happiness is nothing but good health and and a poor memory! :).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.