1. Brush your brows upward, then use brow scissors to snip just the very ends of any long hairs and repeat brushing downward, says eyebrow pro Ramy Gafni. Trimming the hair before tweezing will reveal the brow shape and remove the weight and bulk so that you can create an ideal shape.
2. Begin by holding a pencil parallel to the side of the bridge of your nose. The inner edge of your brows should start here.
To determine the highest point of your arch, place the pencil parallel to the outside corner of your iris. Angling the pencil diagonally from your nostril to the outside corner of your eye will tell you where your brow should end. Another foolproof way to locate your arch: “Look at your face straight on in the mirror and find the highest point of your brow.
Tweeze directly below it for a perfectly placed arch,” says Gafni. 3. Mark the spots you just mapped out with a brow pencil, then begin tweezing or waxing accordingly. Remove no more than two rows of hair to maintain a natural effect.
You may also need to remove just a few hairs from the top of the outer edges to create a subtle downward slope. If you have thick brows and want a more dramatic arch, remove an additional row from under the peak of the brow to create a more pronounced arch and to keep it from appearing straight and flat.
How to shape your eyebrows at home:- Step 1. Start by laying down some tissues to wipe your excess eyebrows on as you tweeze. Step 2.
Begin by marking off where each eyebrow should begin. To do this, align the pencil from the inner corner of the eye to the side of the nose. Do both sides.
Line the spot with your marker to separate that area. Any hair growing between these lines should be tweezed. Notice how the term plucked is not used.
We are not chickens, we are ladies. Step 3. Now we will find where the highest part of the arch will be placed.
Take your pencil from the side of the nose and bring it across vertically to the outside edge of the iris. X marks the spot. This will be the apex of the eyebrow.
Tweeze anything below that point. Taper the brow arch to gradually incline from the starting point and decline to the finish. Step 4.
If your have Rapunzel eyebrows, brush them up toward your hair line so you can see more clearly which ones should come out and which ones should stay. Step 5. You will probably be tearing up by this point if you haven't already after step 2.
Use the tissues to dry up the tears. Step 6. Like any good story, the eyebrow too has a beginning,middle and end.
To find the perfect ending, take the pencil from the corner of the nose and bring it across to the very outer edge of the eye. Where the pencil lands will be the brow ending. Tweeze anything outside of that spot.
Step 7. When you have completed tweezing the eyebrows, now it is time to trim them. This step makes a huge difference and will take any eyebrow from an 8 to a 10.
Brush your eyebrows up toward the hair line and trim off any section of hair that is longer than the top of the brow. Start trimming from the ending of the brow to the beginning. Video:- How to Shape Your Eyebrows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrCeVLxCbV4 Eyebrow Threading Tutorial.
Learn how to thread eyebrows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_hFiwcgSdM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_YhJBhY_xA&feature=related Waxing your Eyebrows at Home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmjtP5aiDIA&feature=related.
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The best advice I can give is to go to a salon for the initial shaping. It may costs somewhere around $15 or up. Where I live it usually runs about $20.
Let a professional create the perfect eyebrow shape for you. Then you never need to step back in the salon for upkeep. You can easily pluck your own eyebrows from home, when they grow back in.
You will distinctly be able to see the small short hairs grow in. Those are the only ones you need to pluck. Let the stylist create the template for you!
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