Carving pumpkins now. How do I roast seeds?

Simplest Recipe Wash them of the pumpkin guts and goo. Spread on a cookie sheet and coat with oil. Sprinkle with salt and bake at 350 degrees until golden.

Or how to video.. I even found a mahalo video lol It's rather well done.. especially love the yummy ending dance XD.

Here you go.... First you'll need to rinse off your pumpkins seeds in cold water. Be sure to pick out all of the pulp and strings, you don't want those bits! Step 2 Spread the pumpkin seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet that has been sprayed lightly with non-stick spray.

Step 3 Season with salt and bake them at 325 degrees for about twenty five minutes. About ten minutes into the baking, stir them around a bit and then return them to the oven. Step 4 Let cool before eating.Be sure to store any leftovers in an air tight container to keep your roasted pumpkin seeds fresh!

Don't forget to share with friends and family this Holiday season! Plus you can add Kraft Dinner Cheese to make them mmmmm.

Very Easy! Clean the seeds, season them, put in 375 degree oven... enjoy! It's hard to mess up pumkin seeds, so be confident!

Graciously, Michael.

We do this every year because there is nothing like fresh roasted pumpkin seeds. 1) The first step is to remove any seeds you may want to store and use for next season's garden. These are air dried on paper towels and then stored in a glass jar until planting time.2) Remove any pulp and wash the seeds in a colander with small holes.3) Add two tablespoons of salt to one cup of water and dissolve.(we prefer more salt but this is a good start) 4) Add the seeds to the salted water and pour into a baking dish.5) Place in a preheated 250* oven for about an hour.

Stir every 20 minutes or so to make sure the seeds are saturated with the salt water.6) Continue baking until the water has evaporated.7) Remove from the oven and let cool. Store in a jar or airtight container. The seeds can be mixed with popcorn or other types of snacks to add extra nutrients.

We generally eat them straight from the jar but we also make a trail mix of dried fruits and nuts and mix the pumpkin seeds in with the trail mix. Enjoy!

Save some elctricity and do a quick fry on high heat in a frying pan. This is much faster and uses much less energy than the oven. Just throw all your washed seeds into the frying pan, add a touch of olive oil (not to much you want the seeds to toast) and sprinkle some salt, turn on high and keep the seeds moving around.

They toast up in about a minute or two on a stove top on high as opposed to 20 minutes in an oven. Super easy to do..don't forget you can also toast any variety of winter squash seeds too they all have a unique taste and are all related to pumpkins as they are all in the guard family.

Roasting pumpkin seeds is a great way to have a healthy snack and get the most out of a Halloween pumpkin. To preserve more of the natural flavor, it is best not to wash them off too much. You can pick out the excess pumpkin goo, but don't rinse them.

For additional flavor, I roast them without any additional seasoning--mainly just for the purpose of drying them out well. Lay the seeds out on a baking pan and cook for 30-40 minutes at 350. Then, I toast them in a pan so that the oil helps saturate the seeds with flavor.

Heat a small amount of peanut oil in a skillet and roast a handful of seeds at a time. Put the toasted seeds in a bowl and toss with your favorite flavorings. You can use seasoned salt and garlic powder with a little bit of soy or worcestershire, or you can use cinnamon with ginger and nutmeg.

This year, I tried something different. I added a teaspoon of spiced apple cider mix to my toasted pumpkin seeds. The flavor was delicious.

You can also check out the How to Cook Pumpkin Seeds page for more information. Pumpkin seeds are packed with vitamins and minerals like magnesium and selenium, and make a great protein-rich snack. Why not freeze a few bags to enjoy all year long?

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