Church ire in Philippines over sex education. How do you feel about this? Pro-education or Anti-education?

Take your average western male. He mainly speaks English.So do most Filipina sex workers unlike a lot of very bad broken English in say Vietnam or Thailand. The PI is a nation of wannabe Americans and dress and eat and do western stuff.

Filipinos, of all the Asian races are the most ''westernised'' apart from Japan but Japan is discounted here as it is developed so the women there do not need to resort to prostitution at very cheap rates. Take all the pluses for a sex tourist, easy to communicate, things seem ''familiar'' and the cost is so ridiculously low for them to go there. Then, the poverty aspect of the PI forcing these women into that work in large numbers gives a sex tourist 3 weeks of cheap and easy thrills.

But, as other replies state, the tourism figures for the PI are very much lower than Thailand. Thailand has learnt to satisfy other demands westerners have. Give good service .

And that makes a big difference to westerners. Unfortunately in the PI everything is very slow, the attitude is so laid back and the appearance of a no care mentality there is big. You book in somewhere there, pay your bill but there is no service, no hot water, no towels, no tea or coffee--no milk!

And whatever you order half of it is not available. That's the PI and no-one cares. You all just accept that worn out, old, obsolete, and very bad quality is how it is.

I have news for you--it aint.!A flushing toilet with proper toilet tissue to use is not too much to ask for anywhere except in the PI. And that is what keeps tourists away. You all may think squatting over a stinking hole and washing yourself off with water afterwards is a typical toilet experience--we dont.

Or peeing anywhere in the street. We don't like that either. Or renting a car with bald tyres, ripped seats, no aircon, no radio,and boils over every 10 klm, no comfort and no maps of the local areas included is a pain in the neck.

Or being forced to pay huge amounts over local rates just because our skin is white and everyone thinks we are rich. That is the biggest drawback for tourists I think. But Thailand has learnt those lessons.

Thier hotels have a full menu with all the meals available to a high standard. Tourists get charged the same price as Thais, When you ask for something they provide what you ask for--not an excuse. Pull your finger out there and just maybe western families might come to see the country instead of mainly dirty old western men out for sex.

Main reason is poverty but PH is not the #1 sex tourism in Asia.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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