With Mouse Keys, you can navigate menus, the Dock, windows, toolbars, palettes, and other controls by pressing keys.
Note: You can only create keyboard shortcuts for existing menu commands. You cannot define keyboard shortcuts for general purpose tasks such as opening an application or switching between applications. Quit the application for which you want to add or change a keyboard shortcut.
The shortcut will not be added if the application is running when you create the new shortcut. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences and click Keyboard & Mouse. Then click Keyboard Shortcuts.
Click the Add (+) button. Choose an application from the Application pop-up menu. If you want to set the same key combination for a menu command that appears in many applications, choose All Applications.
If you want to set a shortcut for the Finder, choose Finder at the top of the list. If the application you want to select does not appear in the list, choose Other and locate the application using the Open dialog. Some applications may not allow you to set keyboard shortcuts.
Type the menu command for which you want to set a keyboard shortcut in the Menu Title field. Tip: You must type the command exactly as it appears in the application menu, including ellipses and any other punctuation. (An ellipsis is a special character that looks like three periods.To type an ellipsis, you can press Option-; or use the Character Palette.
It may be difficult to tell whether the command is written in the menu with a real ellipsis or with three periods, so if one does not work, try the other. ) Click in the Keyboard Shortcut field and press the key combination that you want to assign to the menu command, and then click Add. Tip: You cannot use each type of key (for example, a letter key) more than once in a key combination.
To remove a customized shortcut, click the Delete (-) button.
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