As a matter of fact, yes, getting struck by lightning has a statistically significant chance of unlocking your abilities as either The Flammable Man or giving you the ability to travel to the World Beyond. Note: Flammability does not come with recommended additional superpower of invulnerability to fire and smoke nor does the ability to travel to the world beyond come with the additional recommended superpowers of returning from the world beyond and entering a state of suspended animation. Attempt to use superpowers entirely at your own risk.
I found some stories of people who have survived through lightning strike and been lucky.
A bolt of lightning hits the phone line, sending thousands of volts into his head and down through his body. He is blasted into the air. S heart stops and he dies.
Whether you believe in life after death and physic powers, or not, you will be riveted by Brinkley's story. He was revived in the morgue after twenty-eight minutes after his death and gives a personal account of what happened to him during that period. Having read a few near-death experience (NDE) books I was skeptical if his story would just be some sort of rehash of someone else's story.It is as unique as each of us.
When doctors pronounced Brinkley dead he states he was already traveling through a tunnel toward a spirit being who led him into a light filled crystal city. He entered the "cathedral of knowledge" where Brinkley was told of many world events yet to come. ----quote----------- Another story is of Edwin Robinson, ----quote------ In 1980, a 62-year-old man Edwin Robinson of Falmouth, Maine had been deaf and blind for nine years because of a head injury on a tractor.
The story goes that the man and his chicken were caught outside when a severe lightning storm stuck. Probably because he was blind, the man did not know what to do. He began swinging his aluminum cane around trying to find shelter from the storm.
Edwin's cane and a nearby tree were struck by lightning, blowing out his hearing aid and knocking him around for 20 minutes. When he woke up he decided to go into his home and rest from the incident. When he awoke he found out he could see, albeit without peripheral vision, and could hear perfectly.
Also after being bald for 35 years his hair started growing back. Apparently he went on a lot of talk-shows in the 80's to talk about his experience. I don't doubt the Myth it’s well documented, how-ever I don't understand the science behind it.
----quote----- Another fascinating story, -----quote------- Serbia: A lightning strike has cured 51-year-old Nada Acimovich of arrhythmia - a heart condition characterised by irregular heartbeats. Surprised doctors discovered the condition was completely gone following the shock. Arrhythmia can be fatal and is usually treated with much less severe electric shocks.
Tony Blair was treated for this condition several years back. "In the first place she's lucky to be alive because of the lightning strike, but she's now going to live for much longer too," said one doctor. -----quote---------- The following site has some information on the effects of lightning and you can scroll down to the positive effects part : Here is a story about a guy who holds the record for being struck seven times. Here is an excerpt from the following website: ----quote---- Roy Sullivan was never killed by lighting - he committed suicide while in his 70's in 1983 reportedly distraught over the loss of a woman. -----quote---- Moral of the story: Women are more powerful than lightnings! If you want to get hit by a lightning, here is a detailed information article on where to go and when :) It also has extensive information and statistics on what happens when you get aww-struck!
If your first name is Cole or you're doing community service, then sure! There have people who have been struck by lightning (even more than once! ) and have lived but none that have become changed beneficially by the hit.
In the best comic book traditions the protagonist must go through some awful ordeal to receive their super powers. Preferably almost die... Radiation is always good (The hulk). Radioactive Spiders is even better (Spiderman).
I am sure being struck by lightning is a very good indicator that you could develop superpowers - in a comic book universe. Of course - who is to say we don't live in that universe - after all - if you had Super Powers you might keep them a secret. I am sure it would be difficult but probably not impossible.
Maybe you would retire on the French Riviera. Maybe that's where all the people with Super powers live now. Maybe you see them in the crowd at Cannes film festival.
Quietly working their magic... Maybe that explains the terrible movies getting Oscars these days even without a plot or any character development. Maybe that is someone's super power... I need a lie down now - Mother says I need my rest....
Ellestad began researching lightning strikes after Blake's accident, though, and found that victims often suffer long-lasting effects that can include memory lapses and personality changes, chronic pain from nerve damage, and dizziness, according to the National Weather Service. Fears that Blake could be afflicted with any of them haunted the family — and still do. Ironically, Blake was struck during the National Weather Service's Lightning Safety Awareness Week.
This year's awareness week is happening right now. Seven people already have died in the United States this year after being struck by lightning, according to the National Weather Service. Blake's brush with death permanently altered his parents' perspectives on life.
Ellestad quit her job to spend more time with her son, and Chris Draeger said he has found new strength in his faith.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.