I have a disc from digital camera and CD for my desk top, however, I can't get the photos posted to my ad on Craig's list from either computer ~ says it is too large/big to upload. It does have several photos on it. Wondering if thereis someplace on internet with more detailed instructions or if I have to getthe disc down to 4 pics which is what is allowed for listing?
Asked by newbie6588650 23 months ago Similar questions: CRAIGS LIST PHOTOS POST CRAIG'S LAP TOP DESK Consumer Electronics > Camera, Photo & Video.
Consumer Electronics > Camera, Photo & Video.
I found a couple good instructional things for you here's the first 1. Step 1 Resize the image. For this, I use Picasa which is a free download from Google.To resize using Picasa, press "export" which is at the bottom, and then it will give you options for resizing.
Craigslist has image size limits, and usually you don't need any bigger than 800 or 600 -- if it still gets refused, try even smaller. To limit image theft, I use the "watermark" option, and if you don't have a website, I would use your email or yahoo screen name or myspace page.2. Step 2 Upload your picture to a website or to a picture hosting service.
Get free picture hosting somewhere like imageshack or shareapic(shareapic pays you for image views).3. Step 3 Find the exact address of your image. This is important, because usually craigslist doesn't allow links and the popular image hosts give you code that links back to their site.
The address of your image should look like:
http://www.ehow.com/how_4890093_resize-pictures-craigslist-insert-ad.html#OK, you've cropped and enhanced your photos and decided to display them in your ad at 800 pixels wide. The photos are stored on your hard drive in the folder named C:\craigslist\NetworkHardware4Sale\. Remember this.
# Open an on-screen scratch pad. You'll need an on-screen scratch pad to capture the code that's going to be generated in the next steps. Our Windows-based computers come with a couple of good ones -- Notepad and WordPad.
You'll find both by clicking Start - Program - Accessories. Select Notepad and it will open a text processing window into which you'll paste the code you copy in the next series of steps. You can reduce the size of the on-screen Notepad window to temporarily get it out of the way, or minimize it to the bottom of the screen.
# Upload and resize images on ImageShack. Now, using your browser, go to ImageShack. If you go to imageshack.
Com, you're in the wrong place. Follow these steps to automatically upload your six photos. Let's assume you have not registered with the site.
The first task is to enter your email address in the window to register upon upload. Then... 1. Click the round radio button "image".2.
Click the Browse button. 3. Using the navigation tools in the window, find and open the folder C:\craigslist\NetworkHardware4Sale\.
Your six photos will be listed. 4. Select the first photo and click "open".
5. Select "Resize Image?" and use the drop-down window to pick 800 x 600. 6.
Click "host it". The photo begins to upload. When complete (this can take a minute or more if the photo is big and you're on dial-up), you'll see a long list of code choices and some advertising (ImageShack needs to pay bills like the rest of us).
7. Of these many choices, the one you want is found on the lower half of the screen (you may need to scroll down) and begins . It's named "Hotlink for Websites" on the right hand side.
The photo to the right shows how it appears.8. Place your mouse in this window and click once, highlighting the selection. Then, press CTRL-C to copy.
Minimize the ImageShack window and bring up Notepad.9. Click anywhere in the scratchpad's white space, then press CTRL-V to paste the entry, which will look something like this: It's a good idea to save the scratchpad in the same folder where you placed the photos. You can name it NetworkHardware4sale.
Txt and save it as a txt file. Then, shrink or minimize the window. http://www.howtodothings.com/computers-internet/how-to-enhance-and-resize-photos-for-craigslist Sources: http://www.ehow.com/how_4890093_resize-pictures-craigslist-insert-ad.html .
Craigslist is great for finding a used bike or cheap tickets to the ballgame. Oh, and also for posting pictures of your genitals and telling the world that you're a "bottom."If you're confused, you've probably never checked out the "Casual Encounters" link in the Personals section of Craigslist. Recently, CRACKED did just that and turned up a list of the best requests for no-strings-attached nookie from across the country.
And don't worry, for your emotional health, we've excluded the listings that feature stranger junk. Craigslist is great for finding a used bike or cheap tickets to the ballgame. Oh, and also for posting pictures of your genitals and telling the world that you're a "bottom.
"If you're confused, you've probably never checked out the "Casual Encounters" link in the Personals section of Craigslist. Recently, CRACKED did just that and turned up a list of the best requests for no-strings-attached nookie from across the country. And don't worry, for your emotional health, we've excluded the listings that feature stranger junk.
Share Craigslist is great for finding a used bike or cheap tickets to the ballgame. Oh, and also for posting pictures of your genitals and telling the world that you're a "bottom. "If you're confused, you've probably never checked out the "Casual Encounters" link in the Personals section of Craigslist.
Recently, CRACKED did just that and turned up a list of the best requests for no-strings-attached nookie from across the country. And don't worry, for your emotional health, we've excluded the listings that feature stranger junk. #10.
"Bottom for rape fantasy tonight/tomorrow" Desired Demo: Violent homosexualsQuote: "Submissive bottom here looking for one or more aggressive guys to come by late tonight or early morning. I'm staying at the Bensalem Hampton Inn. Room door will be unlocked and I'll be asleep.
Just walk in, drop your shorts and bury your dick in my jock-strapped ass. Safe play only! "What We Can Assume: This is pretty cut and dry.
We have a submissive bottom, who wants one or more guys to enter his hotel room and sodomize him while pretending that the act is actually being carried out by force. Thanks to the torso picture we also know that this fellow seems to be somewhat athletic, which may explain why he sleeps in a jockstrap. Though ... this may not be as simple as that.
This could easily be one creative man setting up another man for an unexpected ass raping. Where It Went Wrong: Unlike some of the other solicitations featured, we are genuinely concerned for this listing's author. Maybe this is prudish, but it seems dangerous to let the world know the exact hotel where you'll be staying, that you plan on leaving the door open and that you expect to be brutalized.
Not everyone is into rape. Some people are more into robbery and gay bashing. Chance of Getting Laid: 67% It's really just a matter of who gets there first, the sexually frustrated gay men, the homophobes or the cops.
It's also possible that this is one of the cruelest pranks ever perpetrated using the Internet. #9. "Clein man looking for clein woman for tonight" Desired Demo: "Clein" women.
Whatever that is. Perhaps he's German? Quote: "tomarow weekend!
Im reed if you are must have pic! I got pic check it out! "What We Can Assume: That whatever educational institutions this man has attended have failed him.
Any attempt to read this listing will confound even the most skilled codebreaker. However, we can glean from the photos that the author has studied a martial art, wears a referee jersey while tending to small children and competes in bicycle races. It doesn't seem like much of a stretch to speculate that his dad is just barely out of the frame of the bicycle race, having just let go of the seat of his bicycle.
Where It Went Wrong: Where do you start? First off, any "clein" woman looking for a hook up needs to understand this strange secret language to communicate her interest. For regular human females, the logistics of using email to set up a place to rendezvous with a guy who has no grasp of the written word or any understanding of basic syntax will seem daunting.
And, if that's not enough to scare them off, he mentions tonight, "tomarow" and the weekend as times he's available. Sounds like our little buddy here isn't the most popular mental defective in Houston. Chance of Getting Laid: 28% We're assuming that this is about the percentage of women in Houston that don't know that you can purchase Karate Gees with Black Belts on the Internet for a few hundred dollars.
I think tinypic will automatically size down the file.
2 Search for a freeware utility called Irfanview. That will resize your pic.
Search for a freeware utility called Irfanview. That will resize your pic.
3 The pictures might be too large. You need to change the resolution down to 72 dpi, the optimal for screen viewing.
The pictures might be too large. You need to change the resolution down to 72 dpi, the optimal for screen viewing.
What is the best lap top out there on the market today.
How do I transfer photos from my Desk/Tap Top onto my External Potable Iomega Hard Drive.
I don't know if this is Craigs List issue or a "my crappy computer" issue :)" I used to be able to click on the.
How do I check items on craigs list for Minn only.
Trying to locate a "Making it to the Top of the List" Promotional Training Video.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.