Paul Bard played with the Baltimore Orioles and Los Angeles Dodgers organization from 1980 through 1984. He retired from professional baseball at age 25, an unusually young age even for a minor league player. I don't know if an injury ended his playing career or if he just knew that he'd never have the skills or opportunity to make it to the major leagues.In 1980 he played for Lethbridge in the Pioneer League (Rookie League) He batted .232 with 1 home run in 22 games.
Bard played for Vero Beach, A affiliate in the Florida League in 1981 and 1982. In 1981, Bard hit .237 in 89 games without a home run. Bard played in 73 games in 1982, with 4 home runs, 27 runs batted in and a .231 average.
He played for Hagerstown in the Carolina League in 1983. In 42 games, Bard hit 7 home runs in 122 at bats with a .205 average. Paul Bard finished his career in 1984 with AA-affiliate Charlotte and had a .226 average in 96 at bats with 4 home runs.
Bard hit 16 career minor league home runs in 774 at bats, with a .229 average.
Paul Bard played in the Los Angeles Dodgers organization and finished his baseball career with two seasons in the Baltimore Orioles organization. While I know nothing about the man, his story appears to be one of those truly sad ones about a man who badly wants to play a game he loves for a profession but simply can’t handle the higher level talent he’s going up against. Bard’s “best†season was most likely his second in professional baseball when he played in 83 games with the ‘A’ ball Vero Beach Dodgers when he hit .237 and had four triples.
The next season he only hit .231 but he had four home runs. He moved over to the Orioles organization in their ‘A’ ball team, the Hagerstown Suns he hit just .205 but also had seven home runs. For some reason the Orioles actually bumped him up to AA the next season, but he hit just .226 and that was all she wrote for his career.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.