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Retro & Nostalgic Candy & Gift Store > Retro Holiday Candy > Cany Cane Twirl Canes 24ctCandy Cane Twirl Canes 24ctOrder InformationNameCany Cane Twirl Canes 24ctItem # CCS2020Price$33.99Qty 24 - 1.5oz candy cane flavored twirl pops. 3" in diameter and 7.5" including the stick. CHRISTMAS CANDY STORE is an online internet Christmas candy and gift store selling christmas candy & Christmas Gifts direct from our giant candy warehouse including old fashioned candy from the 1940's, candy from the 1950's, candy from the 1960's, candy from the 1970's, candy from the 1980's, candy from the 1990's.
COPYRIGHT 2000-2012, Christmas Candy Store, Inc. All content included on this site is the property of Christmas Candy Store, Inc. International copyright laws.
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