The question should probably be: "Did Jung believe in the existence of God". The answer to that one is "no Here is the way I remember reading it: Jung was holding a college seminar on archetypes in the 30s when he was approached by a young female student that was visibly upset. Jung asked her what was troubling her.
Then, she accused Jung of being an atheist. Jung was confused and asked the student where she had gotten that idea. The student paraphrased a quote she had read in which Jung said he didn't believe God existed.
Jung smiled and said "Dear girl, rest easy, when we have a relationship to a particular thing or experience with it - belief/faith ceases to be a factor. The truth is this, I have had the experience of being gripped by something that is stronger than myself, something that people call God. So, I will never say that I believe that God exists.
I must say I know God exists!
Have proven that the big bang did happen. If there is 'heaven' then? How come when people go up in space ships they go through heaven?
And don't see 'God' and loads of dead people? I most certainly do.? I do not believe in any God. If God exists what is his purpose?
And what was his purpose for creating our existence? I do not believe in gods. I think belief in gods belongs to the?
Childhood of humankind and that we now have better explanations for? The things early humanity didn't understand. Also, we no longer?
Make up stories to explain what we do not yet understand.? I do believe in GOD . But lets think in a creative way it is? Like you love your dad and mom and I am sure about that but can I?
Ask you to prove it you can not you just say again I do love them? Very much .? Secondly it is like the GOD in any religion you are believing in it? Is the creator of the world and the saver of this universe like try?
To stand on your feet holding a cup of water in your hands and full? It completely with water and try to stand for one day no for two? Days to weeks you see in first you will feel weak and then felt?
Asleep while holding this cup of water and then the water fallen? Over it so if there is no creator for us or for the universe it? Should be fallen on its own and in itself .
Moving to the part of? Wars and starvation spread around the whole world even the war with? Our selves is like a test and you will finally get your own grades?
Each mistake is like a black point and the good move will promote? You to go straight to the heavens or may be the evil side in the? Universe is rolling over it and affecting our world or it may be?
Used as a way or a mean ( rough one ) to show us the difference? Between the good and the bad the good side and the evil how to? Differentiate between peace and war between hunger and?
Saturation.? Yes, we hold that God exists.? There are tens of proofs for God's existence. These have been? Recorded for centuries and are easy to look up.
However, this? Subject is ultimately one of personal belief, since our possession? Of free-will mandates that it be possible to put forth arguments?
(fallacious or not) against every one of the proofs.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.