Did John Edwards cheat on Reille Hunter?

John Edwards admitted to ABC News in an interview with Bob Woodruff Friday that he repeatedly lied about an extramarital affair with a 42-year old campaign employee, but strenuously denied being involved in paying the woman hush money or fathering her newborn child. The former Democratic U.S. Senator from North Carolina said he would be willing to take a paternity test and divulge the results publicly. You can read more o the story here abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=5441195&....

Life threatening condition delays trial … ironically Elizabeth’s life threatening cancer did not stop John Edwards’ from having an affair with Reille Hunter. A federal judge in North Carolina has delayed the John Edwards’ alleged campaign finance violation trial due to Edwards suffering from an alleged heart condition. The Edwards trial was supposed to begin on January 30, 2012; however, that was before two cardiologists claims that they had scheduled a medical procedure for Edwards in February and that a trial would “reduce the chance for success.”

The criminal trial has been delayed until at least March 26. A federal judge on Friday delayed John Edwards’ trial on alleged campaign finance violations for at least two months because the two-time Democratic presidential candidate is suffering from a heart condition. The trial had been set to begin Jan. 30, but U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles said the earliest it could begin is March 26.

No new trail date has been set. Eagles said in court that she has received letters from two cardiologists, stating that they have scheduled a medical procedure for Edwards in February and that a trial would “reduce the chance for success.” Edwards’ defense attorneys stated that their client was on meds for his heart condition and that they have had difficulty meeting with Edwards in recent weeks to prepare for trial because of his health.

Of course Edwards’ medical records detailing his condition are under court seal. Think the pressure of the reality of what Edwards has done is finally getting to him? Looks that way.

A heart condition, eh? Who knew that John Edwards even had a heart after he lied and cheated on his ex-wife who had cancer? How ironic that John Edwards would have a life threatening heart condition.

He seemed to care little when his ex-wife had a similar life threatening condition. Oh that’s right, Edwards justified his affair stating that his wife’s cancer was in remission at the time. Sadly, Elizabeth Edwards has passed away from her courageous battle with cancer.

So is there really a medical condition that is life threatening or is this a stall for more time? I guess we will soon see as to what happens in the not too distant future as to what type of medical procedure is performed on Edwards.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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