Did President Obama's 2009 Stimulus Bill help in your area of the United States?

Yes. A few million dollars went into building tunnels under a 4 lane highway so that turtles can cross without getting splattered. Thank you Mr. Obama.

The turtles are healthy. All is well with the world...

The car industry is pretty much back to normal. Michigan is doing better, but has a long way to go yet.

The money in the stimulus package quickiy disappeared into places unknown except for a few of the lame media covered circuses deviced by the Adminstration to cover up the slight of hand. America got robbed on that package...absolutely robbed. The shame is that so few actually realize it.WB.

I think it helped the entire country by preventing a depression. Basically, things would have gotten much worst without it.

Yes, I didn't notice the tax cuts but I'm sure plenty of people needed them. I also saw lots of signs for 'recovery and reinvestment act' projects. They did alleviate traffic on portions of the highway by fixing some of the trouble areas (bad exits, etc).

No. Nothing changed and we still have the lowest unemployment in the US. The stimulus bill did nothing for the economy and did nothing to stop a depression as some believe.

The country would have been better off without it. All it did was put us another trillion in debt. When there is nothing left, and people start realizing that what Thatcher said, "The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money", is absolutely correct, it will be too late.

There were no permanent jobs created by the stimulus and new unemployment apps still run extremely high. If it helped why is the unemployment rate so much higher than before the stimulus?

Wayne: As I pointed out, the stimulus money actually went to two projects in my state that are very useful, and will help my state save money from flooding and attract new businesses. If there was one event in the past decade in which U.S. Taxpayer money was clearly robbed, it was the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Tens of Billions of money sent to Iraq either could not be accounted for or went to Iraqi infrastructure projects that have gone unused.

Some of it literally was stolen.

When Governors are honest, they admit that the Stimulus kept many of them from falling into absolute despair. A portion of the funding allotted to the states was discretionary and Governors were allowed to spend it as they saw fit. Many mayors complained they received little funding at all, but there is no question it helped.

The unemployed were able to stay on unemployment for an extended period of time because of the stimulus. Many could only afford insurance because of the assistance with Cobra and people received tax refunds who never received them before. There is a wonderful site where one can plug in the state name and it will tell the amount of money the state received and how it was used.

I'll look it up and come back.

NO, I live in NY and it has gotten worse, not because of Obama alone but the politicians are not very fiscally responsible here.

To answer your question, the company I used to work for received $500,000 in stimulus money. I don't know what the company did with the money, but to make a long short, the key phrase is "THE COMPANY I USED TO WORK FOR". Does that answer your question?

On 5/24/11 a report on the Stimulus Funding was presented to some members of Congress. Senator Coburn is calling for a investigation as to why companies and non profits were given stimulus funds who owe the government federal taxes. It appears that 3700 contractors and non profits doing work for the government received $24 billion of stimulus funds.

Senator Coburn wants to know as to why and how the grants were given when the companies were tax delinquent. It would not look good for the Obama Administration if the companies had made large donations to the 2008 presidential campaign. The Obama administration has approved over 1500 waivers to Obamcare, most of which were union affiliated plans.

Recently 23 companies and unions were exempted from the legislation, 20% of those GRANTED on that day were in Congresswoman Pelosi’s district in San Francisco. How convenient for the Democrat leader. Remember when than Speaker Pelosi said ‘’ we need to pass the bill so that we can find out what’s in it ‘’.

Not in the least. Then again, America will NEVER be completely helped by ANY president we elect nor will we EVER be satisfied.

Bill Gates admits that the core design of one of the most basic functions of Windows was a mistake. Not, not that one. Not that one either.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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