I do not think Sandra Bullock seemed mad at the MTV Movie Awards. She made comments about clearing up recent rumors but she did so in a joking matter. She had a list of rumors that included; her being dead and her not showering for 14 days as she chain smoked and cried to her aunt.
Sandra addressed these by stating that she is obviously not dead, she showers twice a day, doesn't smoke, and her aunt has been dead for a year but she is sure her aunt is happy to be included in the rumors. As for her kissing Scarlett Johansson- Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds were up for Best Kiss for ''The Proposal'. It is customary for the winner's of the Best Kiss Award to kiss when they accept the award.
Ryan Reynolds was unable to attend the awards so his wife, Scarlett Johansson was acting as his stand in. Sandra and Ryan did not win Best Kiss. However, Scarlett stood in for her husband when presenting the Generation Award to Sandra and shyly made a comment about how she was really hoping that Sandra and Ryan would have won Best Kiss because the kiss looked so soft.
Scarlett and Sandra played up the moment for a while and then puckered up for a quick kiss on the lips. I am sure that this comedic stunt was done to help Sandra's speech from sounding too serious. After the kiss Sandra said "Now that we have done that, can we please go back to normal because therapy is really expensive."
If you want to see her acceptance speech, including the kiss you can find the video on the page MTV Movie Awards.
I don't know why she kissed her, since I haven't been following the media, but I just want to say, that was my DREAM! Every since I was a small child discovering my sexuality, I wanted so badly to see Scarlett and Sandra kiss! I knew it could never happen, but it did tonight.
Man, I am happy. So I guess, to answer your question, the reason they kissed is because I've been waiting for that for 6 years. And I don't care if I sound like a crazy person, that was amazing.
I hope someone can answer your question for real!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.