Do certain sex positions increase the chances of getting pregnant?

There’s no scientific evidence to sup­port the use of some sexual positions over others in conception. (Imagine what those studies would entail!) But it stands to reason that positions that force sperm to defy gravity to swim upstream -- such as standing, sitting, or woman-on-top -- could be less effective than others. Some experts believe that missionary (man-on-top), aided by a small pillow under her hips, is best for conception.

While in this position, the cervix bathes in the pool of semen and sperm after he ejaculates, possibly increasing the chance that sufficient numbers of sperm will find their way upstream through the cervix and to the egg. Still, don’t feel forced to limit yourself to only one position during sex. Adding different positions, particularly when she isn’t ovulating, can help mix things up and keep things from getting too routine.

And don’t neglect her orgasm. Not only is pleasure important for good sex, but climaxing may help improve the odds of conception.

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