I personally prefer curly hair on women for the most part. I guess every women is different. There are some women that look better with straight hair.
And there are some women who look better with curly hair. Generally speaking though, I love women with long curly hair, especially naturally curly hair. There is something about thick natural curls that can be gorgeous.My wife has naturally curly hair and I do prefer her with the curly hair.
She will straighten it from time to time for something different. It still looks pretty, I just prefer the long curls! I am curious to see how everyone votes here!
I personally prefer curly hair on women for the most part. I guess every women is different. There are some women that look better with straight hair.
And there are some women who look better with curly hair. Generally speaking though, I love women with long curly hair, especially naturally curly hair. There is something about thick natural curls that can be gorgeous.
My wife has naturally curly hair and I do prefer her with the curly hair. She will straighten it from time to time for something different. It still looks pretty, I just prefer the long curls!
I am curious to see how everyone votes here!
I think it depends on the woman, some look better in straight hair, others with curly hair. Same can be said about hair length and color. I don't think there's one answer to this question.
I think I know why, so I mumble some lame excuse explaining why my hair is curly, not straight like my picture. I’m not even sure why I felt compelled to explain. It’s just hair, right?
“Well, no, I guess … I’m just surprised,” he says, voice trailing off to a whisper. Uncomfortable, I quickly change the subject and turn the attention to him and the hobbies listed in his profile.
Here is a little info regarding your Dr. Oz question: "Ripples or Ridges can appear in the nails either vertically or horizontally. Vertical ridges indicate poor general health, poor nutrient absorption, and/or iron deficiency. They may also indicate a kidney disorder.
Horizontal ridges can occur as a result of a severe stress, either psychological or physical, such as from infection and/or disease. Ridges running up and down the nails also indicate a tendency to develop arthritis. Poor thyroid function may be reflected in the nails."
Adding vitamin A is often recommended for healthy skin, hair, nails.
Here is a little info regarding your Dr. Oz question: "Ripples or Ridges can appear in the nails either vertically or horizontally. Vertical ridges indicate poor general health, poor nutrient absorption, and/or iron deficiency. They may also indicate a kidney disorder.
Horizontal ridges can occur as a result of a severe stress, either psychological or physical, such as from infection and/or disease. Ridges running up and down the nails also indicate a tendency to develop arthritis. Poor thyroid function may be reflected in the nails."
Adding vitamin A is often recommended for healthy skin, hair, nails. Prescription for Nutritional Healing second edition/James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis A.
"Ripples or Ridges can appear in the nails either vertically or horizontally. Vertical ridges indicate poor general health, poor nutrient absorption, and/or iron deficiency. They may also indicate a kidney disorder.
Horizontal ridges can occur as a result of a severe stress, either psychological or physical, such as from infection and/or disease. Ridges running up and down the nails also indicate a tendency to develop arthritis. Adding vitamin A is often recommended for healthy skin, hair, nails.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.